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High-throughput vectors for efficient gene silencing in plants

Chris A. Helliwell, S. Varsha Wesley, Anna J. Wielopolska and Peter M. Waterhouse
29(10) pp.1217 - 1225

133 articles found in Crossref database.

ZEITLUPE Promotes ABA-Induced Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis and Populus
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Mitochondrial Complex II Is Essential for Gametophyte Development in Arabidopsis
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Plant Physiology. 2007 143(4). p.1534
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Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2014 12(7). p.984
The plasmodesmata-associated β-1,3-glucanase gene GhPdBG regulates fiber development in cotton
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Single-cell transcriptome atlas reveals somatic cell embryogenic differentiation features during regeneration
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The tomato CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE8 (SlCCD8) regulates rhizosphere signaling, plant architecture and affects reproductive development through strigolactone biosynthesis
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New Phytologist. 2012 196(2). p.535
Regulation of Gene Expression in Plants (2007)
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A high‐throughput inducible RNAi vector for plants
Wielopolska Anna, Townley Helen, Moore Ian, Waterhouse Peter, Helliwell Chris
Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2005 3(6). p.583
Transcriptome and Metabolite Profiling Show That APETALA2a Is a Major Regulator of Tomato Fruit Ripening  
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The MYB transcription factor GhMYB25 regulates early fibre and trichome development
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Fibre elongation requires normal redox homeostasis modulated by cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
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Activation tagging of ATHB13 in Arabidopsis thaliana confers broad-spectrum disease resistance
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Antiquity and Function ofCASTORandPOLLUX, the Twin Ion Channel-Encoding Genes Key to the Evolution of Root Symbioses in Plants    
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GbTCP, a cotton TCP transcription factor, confers fibre elongation and root hair development by a complex regulating system
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Journal of Experimental Botany. 2012 63(17). p.6267
Down-regulating annexin gene GhAnn2 inhibits cotton fiber elongation and decreases Ca2+ influx at the cell apex
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MYMIV-AC2 protein suppresses hairpin-induced gene silencing in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi
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Characterisation of the FAD2 gene family from Hiptage benghalensis: A ricinoleic acid accumulating plant
Zhou Xue-Rong, Singh Surinder P., Green Allan G.
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RNA interference‐inducing hairpin RNAs in plants act through the viral defence pathway
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A Single-Electron Reducing Quinone Oxidoreductase Is Necessary to Induce Haustorium Development in the Root Parasitic Plant Triphysaria    
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Advanced Engineering of Lipid Metabolism in Nicotiana benthamiana Using a Draft Genome and the V2 Viral Silencing-Suppressor Protein
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A peptide hormone gene, GhPSK promotes fibre elongation and contributes to longer and finer cotton fibre
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GhCAX3 Gene, a Novel Ca2+/H+ Exchanger from Cotton, Confers Regulation of Cold Response and ABA Induced Signal Transduction
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Contributions of Three Starch Branching Enzyme Isozymes to the Fine Structure of Amylopectin in Rice Endosperm
Sawada Takayuki, Itoh Mizuho, Nakamura Yasunori
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A tomato LysM receptor‐like kinase promotes immunity and its kinase activity is inhibited by AvrPtoB
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A mutation in the Arabidopsis thaliana cell wall biosynthesis gene pectin methylesterase 3 as well as its aberrant expression cause hypersensitivity specifically to Zn
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Ectopic Expressions of the GhLETM1 Gene Reveal Sensitive Dose Effects on Precise Stamen Development and Male Fertility in Cotton
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Vernalization-Repression of Arabidopsis FLC Requires Promoter Sequences but Not Antisense Transcripts
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Phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of A-, B-, C- and E-class MADS-box genes in the basal eudicot Platanus acerifolia
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A Genetic and Metabolic Analysis Revealed that Cotton Fiber Cell Development Was Retarded by Flavonoid Naringenin    
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The Arabidopsis thaliana vernalization response requires a polycomb-like protein complex that also includes VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3
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Double-Stranded RNAs High-Efficiently Protect Transgenic Potato from Leptinotarsa decemlineata by Disrupting Juvenile Hormone Biosynthesis
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Genome-wide identification of cotton GRAM family proteins reveals that GRAM31 regulates fiber length
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