ASEG Extended Abstracts
Volume 2004 Number 1 2004
ASEG2004 - 17th Geophysical Conference
Essam Aboud, Ahmed Salem and Keisuke Ushijima
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab002The time-domain electromagnetic response of wedge-like structures
David Annetts, Art Raiche and Fred Sugeng
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab004An assessment of CSAMT data for location of mineralised targets under glacial cover (Western Tasmania) and basalt cover (Victorian goldfields)
Michael W. Asten, Michael Vicary and Hugh Rutter
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab006Case study: NW Moran 1?extension of Moran Field, Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea.
Kila J. Bale and S. Keith Bradey
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab007Applications of multigrid processing featuring deconvolution
John C. Bancroft and John D. Millar
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab008Regional target generation for porphyry Cu?Mo systems in the Erdenet area, Mongolia
Steven D. Batty, Hajime Hishida, Michiteru Kai and Dambiisuren Bold
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab010River-borne NanoTEM survey for location of salt accession to the River Murray at Loxton
Volmer Berens, Michael Hatch, Tania Wilson and Tony Hill
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab011 Seismic source modelling and 3D survey parameter design, Surat Basin, Australia
Greg Beresford and Randall Taylor
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab012Reservoir property estimation in the carbonate reservoir with rock property inversion- a case study
Said Amiri Besheli, S. Saleh Hendi and Jafar Vali
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab013Constrained inversion of helicopter AEM data for mapping the Blanchetown Clay
Ross Brodie, Andy Green and Tim Munday
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab014Holistically calibrating, processing and inverting frequency domain AEM surveys
Ross Brodie and Malcolm Sambridge
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab015Yumbarra - A Case Study in Geophysical 3D Magnetic Modelling
Domenic Calandro, Gary Reed and Clive Foss
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab0163-D joint inversion of electrical and magnetometric resistivity data
Jiuping Chen and Douglas W. Oldenburg
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab017Quantitative prediction methodology for differential stresses and discrimination between pressure and fluid saturation based on seismic attributes derived from experimentally recorded waveforms
R. Ciz, A.F. Siggins, K. Dodds, D. N. Dewhurst and M. Urosevic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab019 Net community benefits and seismic line remediation ? a case study
Dave Cockshell and Rob Langley
pp. 1-3
ASEG2004ab020Interpretation of the Petroleum Potential of the Darling Basin, a Process of Integration and Iteration
Phillip M. Cooney and Ricky M. Mantaring
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab021 The application of Euler deconvolution to airborne EM data
Gordon Cooper, Magdel Combrinck and Duncan Cowan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab022Minimising noise problems when downward continuing potential field data
Gordon Cooper and Duncan Cowan
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab024The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission?a new source of near-global digital elevation data
Duncan Cowan and Gordon Cooper
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab025Separation filtering using fractional order gradients
Duncan Cowan and Gordon Cooper
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab026Enhancement of magnetic signatures of impact structures
Duncan Cowan and Gordon Cooper
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab029Geophysical and geological interpretation of the Junee ?Narromine Volcanic Belt
Vladimir David, Richard Glen and Ross Spencer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab030The hydraulic and electrical fractal dimension of regolith
Tania Dhu, Graham Heinson and John Joseph
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab031Knowledge from data ? a new tool for analysis of diverse data
B.L. Dickson, S.J. Fraser and R. Sliwa
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab032Case histories of high-accuracy land gravity gradient measurements
Daniel J. DiFrancesco
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab033 The integration of geophysics and geochemistry reveals the nature of the lithosphere beneath the Slave Craton (Canada)
Yvette Poudjom Djomani, Suzanne Y. O?Reilly, William L. Griffin, Lev M. Natapov, Norman J. Pearson and Buddy J. Doyle
pp. 1-3
ASEG2004ab034Optimizing earth science decision-making through technology integration
T. Dobush, C. Burns and T. Millis
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab035Geophysical studies in the Bowen Basin: a collaborative approach
John Draper, Atsushi Aoki, Nirou Okamoto, Hiroshi Karashima, Hideo Aoyama, Masayoshi Tanoue, Takao Aizawa, Ken-ichi Yamazaki and Mark Covington
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab036Vibroseis or Dynamite: Investigating Source Characteristics
Karel Driml, Barry Smith, John Saunders and Randall Taylor
pp. 1-6
ASEG2004ab037Lithology and Fluid Prediction in Lightly Explored Basins
Guy Duncan, Mike Jamieson, Andy Morrison and Michael E. Glinsky
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab038The use of Borehole Radar for the delineation of thin tabular orebodies ahead of mining
Petro du Pisani and Declan Vogt
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab039Inversion for Thomsen?s anisotropy parameters
Pavan Elapavuluri and John Bancroft
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab041Global mapping deep-water hydrocarbon plays of the continental margins
J. Derek Fairhead, Chris M. Green and Kirsten M.U. Fletcher
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab042A new set of magnetic field derivatives for mapping mineral prospects
J. Derek Fairhead, Chris M. Green, Bruno Verduzco and Chris Mackenzie
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab043A multilevel generalization of Euler Deconvolution and its comparison with the Continuous Wavelet Transform
Maurizio Fedi, Giovanni Florio and Tatiana Quarta
pp. 1-3
ASEG2004ab044Lithospheric magnetotelluric imaging in Canada: significance to diamond exploration
Ian J. Ferguson, Xianghong Wu., James A. Craven and Alan G. Jones
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab046Fluid effect on shear wave splitting in a porous fractured reservoir
R. Galvin, B. Gurevich and C. M. Sayers
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab049Australian northwest margin, meteorite impact and seismic velocities: is there a connection?
Alexey Goncharov, John Kennard and Luann Becker
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab050GGG:D30 The Andean Gravity Field, Forward Modelling and Determination of Lithospheric Rigidity
H.-J. Götze, Z. Ta'árová, S. Wienecke, A. Tassara, S. Schmidt and R. Hackney
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab051Too old for Modern Exploration? Old Torsion Balance Observations Revisited
H.-J. Götze and G. Goltz
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab052Azimuthal anisotropy for fractured reservoir characterization in the presence of structural dips
Andrea Grandi and Heloise Lynn
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab054Interpretation of helicopter AEM data from the Riverland area, S.A.
Andy Green, Ross Brodie and Tim Munday
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab056Crosshole electric scanning and profiling of a cylindrical conductor: laboratory investigations
Stewart Greenhalgh and Bing Zhou
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab057Constrained gravity 3D litho-inversion applied to Broken Hill
Antonio Guillen, Gabriel Courrioux, Ph. Calcagno, Richard Lane, Terry Lees and Philip McInerney
pp. 1-6
ASEG2004ab058Rigidity of the Andes from flexural modelling and admittance and coherence techniques
R.I. Hackney, A. Tassara, J.F. Kirby and H.-J. Götze
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab059Regional?residual gravity field separation in the Central Andes using global geopotential models
R.I. Hackney, W.E. Featherstone and H.-J. Götze
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab060Overview interpretation of the Murray?Riverina Exploration NSW airborne magnetic/radiometric survey and regional Bouguer ravity
Michael Hallett and Steve Webster
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab061Evaluating the impact of fracture-induced anisotropy on reservoir rock property estimates made from seismic data
Benn Hansen, Dr Boris Gurevich, Dr Kate Lawson and Dr Klaas Koster
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab062Q-guided wavelet-domain amplitude correction
Neil Hargreaves, Graham Roberts and Richard Wombell
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab063HoistEM data processing for discovery of high grade manganese ore under regolith cover
Anousha Hashemi and Jayson Meyers
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab064Quantitative geophysical log analysis in coal measure sequences
Peter Hatherly, Roland Turner, Renate Sliwa and Terry Medhurst
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab065 Using the HyMap airborne hyperspectral sensor for offshore seepage mapping
Peter Hausknecht and Brigette A. Martini
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab067Gravity and magnetic tensor data: Possible use in regolith exploration
Philip Heath and Stewart Greenhalgh
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab068Practical evaluation of P- and S-wave separation via elastic wavefield decomposition
Natasha Hendrick and Emma Brand
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab069 Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Exploration in Australia
Richard Hillis, Martin Hand, Scott Mildren, Peter Reid, Scott Reynolds and Emma Nelson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab070Borehole logging and automated interpretation of drillhole lithology from the Murowa kimberlites, Zimbabwe
Donald Hinks, Peter Fullagar and Steve McIntosh
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab071 Testing models for bottom of hole temperature recovery, Cooper Basin, South Australia
Fiona Holgate and Prame Chopra
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab072Cooper Basin workstation data provision - pitfalls and progress
Peter Hough, Dave Cockshell, Witold Seweryn, Keith Woollard and Annette Peters
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab0733D seismic trace interpolation using noncausal spatial filters
Barry Hung and Carl Notfors
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab075New airborne compliance monitoring techniques for seismic operations
Dragan Ivic, Rob Langley and Dave Cockshell
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab076Minimisation of the Gravity Response from Mine Infrastructure: An Example from Sons of Gwalia Mine, WA
John Jackson, Glenn Pears and Peter Fullagar
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab077Reservoir characterisation of the Flag Sandstone, Barrow Sub-basin, using an integrated, multi-parameter seismic AVO inversion technique
Kevin Jarvis, Amanda Folkers and Peter Mesdag
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab078Gawler Craton Uncovered
L.E.A. Jones, P. Lyons, B.R. Goleby, A.J. Shearer, M. Schwarz, R.G. Skirrow, R.J. Korsch, J.M. Totterdell, W.V. Preiss, N. G. Direen, M.C. Fairclough and D.W. Johnstone
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab080Mapping Groundwater in Regolith and Fractured Bedrock using Ground and Airborne Geophysics: Case studies from Malawi and Brazil
Richard Kellett, Gilein Steensma and Paul Bauman
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab081Lithospheric structure in the Australian region - a synthesis of surface wave and body wave studies
B.L.N. Kennett, S. Fishwick and M. Heintz
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab082A revised inversion model parameter formulation for fixed wing transmitter loop ? towed bird receiver coil time-domain airborne electromagnetic data
Richard Lane, Ross Brodie and Andrew Fitzpatrick
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab083Estimating the pre-mining gravity and gravity gradient response of the Broken Hill Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit
Richard Lane and Matti Peljo
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab085Theoretical treatment of amplitude calibration problems in HEM data
Yusen Ley-Cooper and James Macnae
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab0873D SRME Application in the Gulf of Mexico
Dechun Lin, Jerry Young and Yan Huang
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab088Exploration and Modelling of Basaltic Rocks and a Maar Depression
Lindner Harald, Kaeppler Rolf and Pretzschner Carsten
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab089Using Geophysics to locate burials and other cultural features, Isle of the Dead, Port Arthur, Tasmania
Fiona Links, Dr Michael Roach and Greg Jackman
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab090The Boris Oil Field in the Gulf of Mexico ? a Geophysical Case Study
Brian Little, Guy Duncan, Karen Tomich, Carl Taylor, Michael E. Glinsky and David Whittam
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab091Inversion of data from electrical imaging surveys in water-covered areas
M.H. Loke and J.W. Lane
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab092Defining the subtle trap ? a Bass Basin case history
Mike Lonergan, Alex Pauli and Randall Taylor
pp. 1-6
ASEG2004ab096Coal Bed Methane Play and Prospect Evaluations Using GeoGraphix Software
Bill Lyons and Putri Sari Wisman
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab097Rapid estimation of seawater depth from airborne electromagnetics
James Macnae, Matthew Catalano, Ben Young, Aaron Howard, Terry Robb and Julian Vrbancich
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab098Value creation in the digital age: an information management approach
Abbas Mehrabian and Jess Kozman
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab099Sub-audio magnetic survey experiments for high-resolution, subsurface mapping of regolith and mineralisation over a blind gold discovery near Agnew in Western Australia
Jayson Meyers, Nigel Cantwell, Phung Nguyen and Mark Donaldson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab100Towards automated mapping of depth to magnetic basement ? examples using new extensions to an old method
Peter R. Milligan, Gary Reed, Tony Meixner and Desmond FitzGerald
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab103Some observations on the sedimentary framework of the Loxton-Bookpurnong region, South Australia as defined by borehole, ground and airborne geophysical data - implications for informing the development of groundwater interception schemes
Tim Munday, Tony Hill, Ben Hopkins, Tania Wilson, Andy Green and Andy Telfer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab1043D Full Tensor Gradiometry: a high resolution gravity measuring instrument resolving ambiguous geological interpretations
Colm A. Murphy and Gary R. Mumaw
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab105The Waterloo and Amorac nickel deposits, Western Australia: A geophysical case history
Paul Mutton and Bill Peters
pp. 1-8
ASEG2004ab106The In Situ stress field of the West Tuna area, Gippsland Basin: Implications for natural fracture-enhanced permeability and wellbore stability
Emma J. Nelson, Richard R. Hillis, Scott D. Mildren and Jeremy J. Meyer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab107Integrated use of Seismic, Ground and Airborne Gravity/Gravity Gradiometer, and Ground Geological Mapping Methods in the Eastern Papuan Basin, PNG
Andrew Nelson, David Holland, O'karo Yogi, Rodrigo Heidorn and Desmond Leech
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab109Implementation of volume interpretation in revealing upside potential in a mature field, the sangatta oilfield: A case study
Susanto B.Nugroho, Bambang S. Murti and Budianto M. Toha
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab110Influence of capillary fringe on the groundwater survey using ground-penetrating radar
Kyosuke Onishi, Shuichi Rokugawa, Yoshibumi Katoh and Tomochika Tokunaga
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab112Imaging beneath the Taranaki fault, New Zealand ? A feasibility study for wide-angle seismic surveys
Ingo A. Pecher, Guy Maslen, Vaughan Stagpoole, Derek Woodward and Andrew R. Gorman
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab113Contact mapping from gridded magnetic data - a comparison of techniques
Mark Pilkington and Pierre Keating
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab114UXO Location using Total Field Magnetics in SE Asia
Timothy Pippett and Stephen Lee
pp. 1-2
ASEG2004ab115Industrial evolution of depth imaging model building techniques - a Timor Sea case study
Pierre Plasterie, Llew Vincent, Patrice Guillaume and Volker Dirks
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab116An improved pseudo-gravity magnetic transform technique for investigation of deep magnetic source rocks
David A. Pratt and Zhiqun Shi
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab117In-situ formation stress determination using sonic logs and In- Borehole-Tomographic-Reconstruction of the near-borehole shear wave distribution
Carsten Pretzschner, Harald Lindner and Hendrik Rohler
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab119Post-processing calibration of frequency-domain electromagnetic data for sea ice thickness measurements
James Reid, John Bishop, Angus Munro, Andi Pfaffling, Kazu Tateyama and Tony Worby
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab120 Footprints of airborne electromagnetic systems over onedimensional Earths
James Reid and Julian Vrbancich
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab121An efficient 3D explicit depth migration
Jiaxiang Ren, Clive Gerrard, James McClean, Mikhail Orlovich and Andrew Long
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab122Resolving a velocity inversion at the geotechnical scale using the microtremor (passive seismic) survey method
James Roberts and Michael Asten
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab123The Effect of Different Attenuation Models on Earthquake Hazard in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Region, Australia
David Robinson, Trevor Dhu and John Schneider
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab124Hydrogeological mapping using the seismoelectric method
Mohammad Rosid and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab125Numerical Rock Physics: Fluid Effects on Wave Propagation
Erik H. Saenger, Oliver S. Krüger and Serge A. Shapiro
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab126Evaluation of 2-D resistivity imaging technique for mapping and monitoring of subsurface cavity collapsed into sinkhole
Peangta Satarugsa, Denchok Manjai and Winit Yangme
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab127Novel ways to process and model GEOTEM data
Daniel Sattel, Richard Lane, Glenn Pears and Julian Vrbancich
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab128Time-lapse analogue modelling of turbidite channel sands
Don Sherlock, Leigh Scoby-Smith and Eamonn Montague
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab130Effective stress and the elastic response of reservoir sandstones and shales
Anthony F. Siggins, David N. Dewhurst and Kevin J. Dodds
pp. 1-5
ASEG2004ab131Discoveries through innovation in applications of airborne and ground TDEM in very conductive environment
Jovan Silic and Todd Ballantyne
pp. 1-7
ASEG2004ab132Salt tectonics in the Officer Basin: implications for trap formation and petroleum exploration
Anelia Simeonova and Robert Iasky
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab133Airborne Bathymetric Lidar ? supporting shallow water exploration and development
Mark Sinclair and Rhys Barker
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab134Monitoring Electrical Properties of Rocks in Target Zone of CO2-Sequestration Site
B. Sh. Singer and K. Dodds
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab135Isostatic correction of New South Wales Bouguer gravity data
Ross Spencer and Richard Glen
pp. 1-3
ASEG2004ab136A virtual national data grid for Australia ? current situation and vision for the future
Brian Spies, Kevin Dodds, Satyavan Reymond and David Sutich
pp. 1-3
ASEG2004ab138Model-based prediction of lithology, pore fluid, and porosity
Kyle T. Spikes and Jack P. Dvorkin
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab140Reflection Seismic Surveys at St Ives Gold Mine, WA
Edward Stolz, Milovan Urosevic and Karen Connors
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab141Groundwater recharge mapping using airborne radiometric data
Gregory J. Street and Andrew Kembl Harrison
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab142Numerical modelling of pseudo-random land seismic sources
Shaun Strong and Steve Hearn
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab146The validation of RESOLVE AEM data in the Riverland, South Australia, to determine their value in mapping a regionally significant, near surface hydrogeological unit
Kok Tan, Tim Munday, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Steve Barnett and Andy Green
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab147HyMap of Broken Hill ? imaging spectrometry for rock and mineral abundance mapping
Geoffrey R. Taylor, Peter Hansford, Barney P.J. Stevens, Richard Barratt and David Robson
pp. 1-3
ASEG2004ab148Automated event picking in prestack hyperspace
Troy A. Thompson, Matthew G. Lamont, Bruce M. Hartley and Michael E. Glinsky
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab149The Tanami 3-D geological model ? integrating geology and potential field data
L.C Vandenberg, A.J. Meixner and M.G. Nicoll
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab1503D EM modelling of Antarctic sea ice pressure ridges
Julian Vrbancich, James Reid, David Annetts, Andreaus Pfaffling and Tony Worby
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab151Seawater depth determination using the helicopter HoisTEM system
Julian Vrbancich and Peter K. Fullagar
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab153Seismoelectric survey results from the south Australian Riverland near Loxton and Berri
C. L. Waring, S. I. Hankin and T. Perl
pp. 1-6
ASEG2004ab155Use of potential field data and modelling to complement detailed geological mapping in the Goulburn?Braidwood area, New South Wales
Steve Webster, Owen Thomas, Anthony Johnston and Gary Burton
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab156The advantage of 3D visualization for 2D seismic interpretation
Richard L. Weindel, Chris Carty and Brenton Smith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab157A Strategy for Optimal Marine 4D Acquisition
Martin Widmaier, Stian Hegna, Frans Smit and Erik Tijdens
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab159Investigation into salinisation in southwestern Queensland
Kate Wilkinson, Tessa Chamberlain and Mike Grundy
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab160Towards 3D maps of alteration under cover: Regional constrained 3D inversion of potential field data from the Olympic Cu-Au province, South Australia
Nicholas C. Williams, Richard Lane and Patrick Lyons
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab161Satellite magnetic data and geomagnetic daily variations
D. E. Winch, D. J. Ivers, J. P. R. Turner and R. J. Stening
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab162The Geotech VTEM time domain helicopter EM system
Ken Witherly, Richard Irvine and Edward Morrison
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab163Borehole radar application to kimberlite delineation at Finsch diamond mine
Anton V. Wolmarans, Johannes H. Cloete, P.J. Jordaan and Iain M. Mason
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab164Coal seismic depth conversion for mine data integration: A case study from the Sandy Creek 3D seismic survey
Binzhong Zhou, Peter Hatherly, Gary Fallon and Diane Sommer
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab165Tuning seismic resolution by frequency shift
Binzhong Zhou, Iain Mason and Peter Hatherly
pp. 1-4
ASEG2004ab166Improving the Resolution of Deep-Crustal Seismic Data to Study Shallow Gas Hydrates on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
Hai Zhu, Ingo A. Pecher, Stuart A. Henrys and Guy Maslen
pp. 1-4