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ASEG Extended Abstracts

Articles citing this paper

Evolution of detached listric fault systems in the Ceduna Delta, Bight Basin: Insights from 3D seismic data

Matthew Kovacevic, Jane Cunneen and Chris Elders
2015(1) pp.1 - 4

2 articles found in Crossref database.

A Petroleum Systems Analysis and Characterization of the Frontier Ceduna Sub-Basin in Australia
Day 1 Mon, November 12, 2018 (2018)
Alghuraybi Ahmed , Al Harthi Al Muhanna, Jabry Ahlam Al
Fault controlled focused fluid flow in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, offshore South Australia; evidence from 3D seismic reflection data
Velayatham Tayallen, Holford Simon P., Bunch Mark A., King Rosalind C.
Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2021 127 p.104813
Abstract PDF (567 KB) Export Citation


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