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ASEG Extended Abstracts

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A case study of deep electromagnetic exploration in conductive cover

M. Webb and B. Corscadden
2009(1) pp.1 - 11

5 articles found in Crossref database.

Electromagnetic Induction Methods in Mining Geophysics from 2008 to 2012
Smith Richard
Surveys in Geophysics. 2014 35(1). p.123
Vertical and horizontal resistive limit formulas for a rectangular-loop source on a conductive half-space
Schaa Ralf, Fullagar Peter K.
GEOPHYSICS. 2012 77(1). p.E91
Effects of base frequency, duty cycle, and waveform repetition on transient electromagnetic responses: Insights from models of a deep-buried conductor
Li Jianhui, Wang Yao
GEOPHYSICS. 2024 89(4). p.E165
Capability of low-temperature SQUID for transient electromagnetics under anthropogenic noise conditions
Rochlitz Raphael, Queitsch Matthias, Yogeshwar Pritam, Günther Thomas, Chwala Andreas, Janser Sascha, Kukowski Nina, Stolz Ronny
GEOPHYSICS. 2018 83(6). p.E371
SQUIDs for magnetic and electromagnetic methods in mineral exploration
Stolz Ronny, Schiffler Markus, Becken Michael, Thiede Anneke, Schneider Michael, Chubak Glenn, Marsden Paul, Bergshjorth Ana Braña, Schaefer Markus, Terblanche Ockert
Mineral Economics. 2022 35(3-4). p.467
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