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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

Low-Fold 3D Seismic: A Key to Unlocking Exploration Potential Cost-Effectively in the Eromanga Basin

Jennifer Clifford, Alison Goedecke, Michael Giles and Malcolm Horton

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016(1) 1 - 5
Published: 2016


ATP 636 is a lightly explored permit on the eastern margin of the Cooper-Eromanga Basin, more than 60km northeast of the Jackson Oil Field in South-West Queensland. Prior to award of the permit, heritage seismic data was very limited and no wells had been drilled within the permit area.

Low-fold 3D seismic was acquired (the “Gumbo 3D”) in place of a more conventional program of 2D seismic followed by 3D seismic. The location of the low-fold 3D seismic survey within the permit was determined using play-based exploration principles.

The seismic data quality compares favourably with full-fold 3D seismic from a structural perspective and provides good imaging of faults and key stratigraphic units. The result is a robust interpretation and a well-defined inventory of prospects and leads.

© ASEG 2016

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