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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

The nature of changing pore space at an in-situ weathered/fresh rock interface and its effect on the resistivity signature, Dargues Reef Gold Deposit, Majors Creek NSW

Sanjay Govindan and Eva Papp

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015(1) 1 - 4
Published: 2015


Hydrothermal Au – Cu mineralisation at Majors Creek, NSW has led to the formation of disseminated sulphides throughout the host granodiorite body. Mineralisation in overburden and shallow bedrock occurs in sparse concentration settings such as quartz veins and potassic alteration. Distinguishing between alterations zones, mineralising features and the fresh-weathered rock boundary is paramount to explorers. A combination of DC electrical resistivity and CT scanning was employed to delineate the weathered/fresh rock boundary, potential mineralising features and areas of differing alterations. A 500 metre survey line was constructed over a known area of mineralisation and passed directly over a drill core sample. CT scanning data will define pore space characteristics of alteration and weathering states of the host granodiorite. This study has the potential to spark future researching into shallow surface exploration throughout the Major's Creek area, building on a potential relationship between, pore space, apparent resistivity and overburden-bedrock characteristics.

© ASEG 2015

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