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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

Airborne gravity gradiometer surveying of petroleum systems under Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania

Doug Roberts, Priyanka R. Chowdhury, Sharon J. Lowe and Asbjorn N. Christensen

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015(1) 1 - 4
Published: 2015


Beach Energy has been the sole interest holder and operator of the 7,200 km2 Lake Tanganyika South block since 2010. The block is located within the western arm of the East African Rift System. The prospectivity of the lake sequence was enhanced by large oil discoveries in the similar geological environment of Lake Albert in Uganda and in the eastern part of the rift in Kenya. The lack of wells drilled in the lake to date make predicting sedimentary sections difficult. In 2010 Beach Energy commissioned CGG to fly a FALCON® Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) and a high-resolution airborne magnetic (HRAM) survey over the Lake Tanganyika South block in order to map the basin structural framework and the depth to magnetic basement. The AGG survey facilitated the imaging of the architecture of the rift zone and the interpreted sediment thickness provided an indication of prospective petroleum target areas. This information was used to plan a subsequent 2D marine seismic survey, which was shot in 2012. The preliminary results from the 2D marine seismic survey has confirmed a rifting structure similar to that encountered further north at Lake Albert in Uganda. A number of targets over tilted fault blocks, low-side rollovers and mounded features, have been identified for follow-up from the seismic sections. Natural oil seeps evident on the surface of Lake Tanganyika, which have been sampled and analyzed by Beach Energy, also indicate that a working petroleum system is present in the sedimentary section of the rift beneath the lake.

© ASEG 2015

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