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ASEG Extended Abstracts

Geophysical?geological interpretation of the Cobham Lake and Milparinka 1:250 000 map sheet areas, northwest NSW

Rosemary Hegarty

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2007(1) 1 - 1
Published: 2007


As part of the New Frontiers exploration initiative, a new series of geophysical?geological interpretation of 1:250 000 map sheet areas is being completed. Interpretation of the Cobham Lake and Milparinka map sheets in the far northwest of NSW has been completed and highlights and extends the following major domains: Proterozoic units of the eastern Curnamona Province are present in the west of Cobham Lake sheet where rock types exposed in the Broken Hill area extend northward under relatively thin cover; The Bancannia Trough (thick sequences of Cambrian to Devonian age) and Quinyambie Trough (Cretaceous sediments) share a northwesterly trend; The Koonenberry Belt comprises a complex structural zone where Neoproterozoic to Cambro-Ordovician units have been affected by a series of orogenic events; Intrusions of Silurian age (such as the Tibooburra Granodiorite), possible Cambro-Ordovician age, and Permian diatremes are interpreted; The contact zone is drawn between the Koonenberry Belt and the western extent of the Thomson Orogen.

© ASEG 2007

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