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Journal of Australian Energy Producers

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The Bight Basin: a tale of three deltaic megasequences

Ingine Strømsøyen A B , Edwin Schomacker A , Bo Søderstrøm A and Bärbel M. T. Waagan A
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A Equinor ASA, PO Box 3, 1330 Fornebu, Norway.

B Corresponding author. Email:

The APPEA Journal 59(2) 952-957
Accepted: 19 March 2019   Published: 17 June 2019

6 articles found in Crossref database.

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Shepherd John W., Lang Simon C., Paumard Victorien, George Annette D., Peyrot Daniel
Earth-Science Reviews. 2023 244 p.104538
Stratigraphic and structural trapping frameworks in the central Ceduna Sub-basin
Langhi Laurent, Strand Julian, Ross Andrew
Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2020 120 p.104523
The sedimentological evolution and petroleum potential of a very thick Upper Cretaceous marine mudstone succession from the southern high latitudes—a case study from the Bight Basin, Australia
Wainman Carmine C., Tagliaro Gabriel, Jones Matthew M., Charles Adam J., Hall Tony, White Lloyd T., Bogus Kara A., Wolfgring Erik, O'Connor Lauren K., McCabe Peter J., Holford Simon P.
Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2020 118 p.104441
New insights on the gravity-driven deformation of late Albian – early Turonian stacked delta collapse systems in the Ceduna sub-basin, Bight Basin, southern margin of Australia
Ahmed Basim, McClay Ken, Scarselli Nicola, Bilal Awad
Tectonophysics. 2022 823 p.229184
Fault controlled focused fluid flow in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, offshore South Australia; evidence from 3D seismic reflection data
Velayatham Tayallen, Holford Simon P., Bunch Mark A., King Rosalind C.
Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2021 127 p.104813
Investigating relationships between shoreline process regime, shelf-margin architecture, and deep-water sand delivery: Insights from the early post-rift Hammerhead shelf margin (Bight Basin, southern Australia)
Shepherd John W., Paumard Victorien, Lang Simon, George Annette D.
Gondwana Research. 2024 135 p.208

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