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Miao Yu A B , Martine van der Ploeg B E , Esperanza Huerta Lwanga B C , Xiaomei Yang B , Shaoliang Zhang B D , Xiaoyi Ma A E , Coen J. Ritsema B and Violette Geissen B
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- Author Affiliations

A Key Laboratory for Agriculture Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas, Ministry of Education, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi Province, China.

B Soil Physics and Land Management Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen 6708PB, The Netherlands.

C Agroecología, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Campeche, Av Poligono s/n, Ciudad Industrial, Lerma, Campeche Mexico.

D Northeast Agricultural University, 600 Changjiang Street, Harbin 150030, China.

E Corresponding authors. Email:;

Environmental Chemistry 16(1) 31-40
Submitted: 24 July 2018  Accepted: 24 November 2018   Published: 15 January 2019

121 articles found in Crossref database.

Micro (nano) plastic pollution: The ecological influence on soil-plant system and human health
Allouzi Mintallah Mousa A., Tang Doris Ying Ying, Chew Kit Wayne, Rinklebe Jörg, Bolan Nanthi, Allouzi Safa Mousa A., Show Pau Loke
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Effects of microplastics and earthworm burrows on soil macropore water flow within a laboratory soil column setup
Yu Miao, van der Ploeg Martine, Ma Xiaoyi, Ritsema Coen J, Geissen Violette
Vadose Zone Journal. 2020 19(1).
Review of microplastic sources, transport pathways and correlations with other soil stressors: a journey from agricultural sites into the environment
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Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 2022 9(1).
Short-term effect of poly lactic acid microplastics uptake by Eudrilus eugenia
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Microplastics and Nanoplastics. 2021 1(1).
Microplastics in the Ecosphere (2023)
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Plastics as a stratigraphic marker in fluvial deposits
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Anthropocene. 2021 36 p.100314
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van Schothorst Benjamin, Beriot Nicolas, Huerta Lwanga Esperanza, Geissen Violette
Environments. 2021 8(4). p.36
Handbook of Microplastics in the Environment (2022)
Huerta Lwanga Esperanza, Santos-Echeandía Juan
Microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems: Moving beyond the state of the art to minimize the risk of ecological surprise
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Global Change Biology. 2021 27(17). p.3969
Soil Conservation and Management (2023)
Blanco Humberto, Lal Rattan
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Field management changes the distribution of mesoplastic and macroplastic in Mollisols of Northeast China
Yan Pengke, Zhang Shaoliang, Wang Jiuqi, Wang Wan, Xu Bing, Hao Xinhua, Aurangzeib Muhammad
Chemosphere. 2022 308 p.136282
The role of microplastic aging on chlorpyrifos adsorption-desorption and microplastic bioconcentration
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Environmental Pollution. 2023 331 p.121910
Earthworm (Eisenia andrei)-Mediated Degradation of Commercial Compostable Bags and Potential Toxic Effects
Mendes Luís André, Beiras Ricardo, Domínguez Jorge
Microplastics. 2024 3(2). p.322
Are microplastics destabilizing the global network of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services?
Sridharan Srinidhi, Kumar Manish, Bolan Nanthi S., Singh Lal, Kumar Sunil, Kumar Rakesh, You Siming
Environmental Research. 2021 198 p.111243
Review of Current Issues and Management Strategies of Microplastics in Groundwater Environments
Khant Naing Aung, Kim Heejung
Water. 2022 14(7). p.1020
Unveiling the impacts of microplastic pollution on soil health: A comprehensive review
Chang Nan, Chen Li, Wang Na, Cui Qingliang, Qiu Tianyi, Zhao Shuling, He Haoran, Zeng Yi, Dai Wei, Duan Chengjiao, Fang Linchuan
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The Complex Dynamics of Microplastic Migration through Different Aquatic Environments: Subsidies for a Better Understanding of Its Environmental Dispersion
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Microplastics as an Emerging Environmental Pollutant in Agricultural Soils: Effects on Ecosystems and Human Health
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Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022 10
Characterization of Microplastic, Metals Associated and Ecological Risk Assessment in the Soil Under Different Land-Use Types of Shiraz, South West of Iran
Hoshyari Ebrahim, Hassanzadeh Nasrin, Keshavarzi Behnam, Jaafarzadeh Nematollah, Rezaei Mahrooz
SSRN Electronic Journal . 2022
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (2023)
Beriot Nicolas, Huerta-Lwanga Esperanza
Microplastic contamination in soil agro-ecosystems: A review
Uwamungu Jean Yves, Wang Yibo, Shi Guoxi, Pan Sujuan, Wang Zhibo, Wang Lisha, Yang Shuzhen
Environmental Advances. 2022 9 p.100273
Exploring the vertical transport of microplastics in subsurface environments: Lab-scale experiments and field evidence
Park Saerom, Kim Ilho, Jeon Woo-Hyun, Moon Hee Sun
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 2023 257 p.104215
Small-Size Microplastics in Urban Stormwater Runoff are Efficiently Trapped in a Bioretention Cell
Smyth Kelsey, Tan Shuyao, Van Seters Tim, Gasperi Johnny, Dris Rachid, Drake Jennifer, Passeport Elodie
ACS ES&T Water. 2024 4(6). p.2522
Microplastics in Salt of Tuticorin, Southeast Coast of India
Sathish M. Narmatha, Jeyasanta Immaculate, Patterson Jamila
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2020 79(1). p.111
Microplastics as emergent contaminants in landfill leachate: Source, potential impact and remediation technologies
V GodvinSharmila, Shanmugavel Surya Prakash, Tyagi Vinay Kumar, Rajesh Banu J.
Journal of Environmental Management. 2023 343 p.118240
Current understanding of subsurface transport of micro‐ and nanoplastics in soil
Yu Yingxue, Flury Markus
Vadose Zone Journal. 2021 20(2).
Investigating the dispersal of macro- and microplastics on agricultural fields 30 years after sewage sludge application
Weber Collin J., Santowski Alexander, Chifflard Peter
Scientific Reports. 2022 12(1).
Microplastics in groundwater: An overview of source, distribution, mobility constraints and potential health impacts during the anthropocene
Dey Uttiya, Raj Deep, Mondal Mijanur, Roy Palas, Mukherjee Abhijit, Mondal Naba Kmar, Das Kousik
Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 2023 23 p.101036
Mare Plasticum - The Plastic Sea (2020)
Rodríguez-Seijo Andrés, Pereira Ruth
Sanchez-Hernandez Juan C.
Vertical distribution of microplastics in an agricultural soil after long-term treatment with sewage sludge and mineral fertiliser
Heinze Wiebke Mareile, Steinmetz Zacharias, Klemmensen Nanna Dyg Rathje, Vollertsen Jes, Cornelis Geert
Environmental Pollution. 2024 356 p.124343
Non-biodegradable microplastics in soils: A brief review and challenge
Zhang Shaoliang, Wang Jiuqi, Yan Pengke, Hao Xinhua, Xu Bing, Wang Wan, Aurangzeib Muhammad
Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021 409 p.124525
Micro and Nanoplastics in Soil (2023)
Surya Prakash D. V., Gupta Istuti, Mallu Maheswara Reddy, Munawar T. Mohammad
Impact of size and shape in the transport of microplastics by a springtail species
She Tianjing, Liu Xin, Wang Jingjing, Zhu Yan
Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability. 2023 35(1).
Nanoplastic ingestion induces behavioral disorders in terrestrial snails: trophic transfer effectsviavascular plants
Chae Yooeun, An Youn-Joo
Environmental Science: Nano. 2020 7(3). p.975
Microplastics in an agricultural soil following repeated application of three types of sewage sludge: A field study
Yang Jie, Li Lianzhen, Li Ruijie, Xu Li, Shen Yichen, Li Simin, Tu Chen, Wu Longhua, Christie Peter, Luo Yongming
Environmental Pollution. 2021 289 p.117943
Towards an ecology of soil microplastics
Helmberger Maxwell S., Tiemann Lisa K., Grieshop Matthew J., Morriën Elly
Functional Ecology. 2020 34(3). p.550
Soil organic matter facilitates the transport of microplastic by reducing surface hydrophobicity
Ivanic Federico M., Guggenberger Georg, Woche Susanne K., Bachmann Jörg, Hoppe Martin, Carstens Jannis F.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2023 676 p.132255
Seeking for a perfect (non-spherical) microplastic particle – The most comprehensive review on microplastic laboratory research
Rozman Ula, Kalčíková Gabriela
Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022 424 p.127529
A comprehensive review on assessment of plastic debris in aquatic environment and its prevalence in fishes and other aquatic animals in India
Shaikh Ishrat Vasi, Shaikh Vasi Ahmed Ebrahim
Science of The Total Environment. 2021 779 p.146421
Microplastic Pollution in the Soil Environment: Characteristics, Influencing Factors, and Risks
Wang Chunhui, Tang Junhong, Yu Haixia, Wang Yiyi, Li Huanxuan, Xu Shaodan, Li Gang, Zhou Qian
Sustainability. 2022 14(20). p.13405
Microplastic induces soil water repellency and limits capillary flow
Cramer Andreas, Benard Pascal, Zarebanadkouki Mohsen, Kaestner Anders, Carminati Andrea
Vadose Zone Journal. 2023 22(1).
Plastic particles in soil: state of the knowledge on sources, occurrence and distribution, analytical methods and ecological impacts
Okoffo Elvis D., O'Brien Stacey, Ribeiro Francisca, Burrows Stephen D., Toapanta Tania, Rauert Cassandra, O'Brien Jake W., Tscharke Benjamin J., Wang Xianyu, Thomas Kevin V.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2021 23(2). p.240
Heterogeneity of plastic residue was determined by both mulch film and external plastic pollutants in the farmland of Northeast China
Yan Pengke, Zhang Shaoliang, Wang Jiuqi, Xiao Ziliang, Yan Sihua, Wang Wan, Aurangzeib Muhammad
Science of The Total Environment. 2022 853 p.158681
Effects of microplastics and arsenic on plants: Interactions, toxicity and environmental implications
Ivy Nishita, Bhattacharya Sayan, Dey Satarupa, Gupta Kaushik, Dey Abhijit, Sharma Prabhakar
Chemosphere. 2023 338 p.139542
Potential Use of Earthworms to Enhance Decaying of Biodegradable Plastics
Sanchez-Hernandez Juan C., Capowiez Yvan, Ro Kyoung S.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020 8(11). p.4292
Microplastics in soils: A review of methods, occurrence, fate, transport, ecological and environmental risks
Zhou Yujie, Wang Junxiao, Zou Mengmeng, Jia Zhenyi, Zhou Shenglu, Li Yan
Science of The Total Environment. 2020 748 p.141368
Microplastics in Agricultural Systems: Analytical Methodologies and Effects on Soil Quality and Crop Yield
Pérez-Reverón Raquel, Álvarez-Méndez Sergio J., Kropp Rebecca Magdalena, Perdomo-González Adolfo, Hernández-Borges Javier, Díaz-Peña Francisco J.
Agriculture. 2022 12(8). p.1162
Microplastics in agroecosystems: A review of effects on soil biota and key soil functions
Shafea Leila, Yap Julia, Beriot Nicolas, Felde Vincent J. M. N. L., Okoffo Elvis D., Enyoh Christian Ebere, Peth Stephan
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2023 186(1). p.5
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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2022 52(5). p.810
Handbook of Microplastics in the Environment (2021)
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Review on migration, transformation and ecological impacts of microplastics in soil
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Applied Soil Ecology. 2022 176 p.104486
A review on the effect of micro- and nano-plastics pollution on the emergence of antimicrobial resistance
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Chemosphere. 2023 311 p.136877
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Informal landfill contributes to the pollution of microplastics in the surrounding environment
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SOIL. 2020 6(2). p.245
Imaging and characterization of the preferential flow process in agricultural land by using electrical resistivity tomography and dual-porosity model
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Microplastics and Nanoplastics. 2022 2(1).
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Hydrogeology Journal. 2023 31(1). p.167
Microplastics in the soil-groundwater environment: Aging, migration, and co-transport of contaminants – A critical review
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Interactions between water flow and microplastics in silt loam and loamy sand
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Insights into the mechanism of plastics’ fragmentation under abrasive mechanical forces: An implication for agricultural soil health
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Microplastics and Nanoplastics in the Freshwater and Terrestrial Environment: A Review
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Water. 2020 12(9). p.2633
Microplastics in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Scientometric Analysis
He Donghui, Bristow Keith, Filipović Vilim, Lv Jialong, He Hailong
Sustainability. 2020 12(20). p.8739
Nanoplastic Transport in Soil via Bioturbation by Lumbricus terrestris
Heinze Wiebke Mareile, Mitrano Denise M., Lahive Elma, Koestel John, Cornelis Geert
Environmental Science & Technology. 2021 55(24). p.16423
Water field distribution characteristics and slope stability under the effect of preferential flow on rainfall-driven seepage
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Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia. 2024  p.161
Irrigation-facilitated low-density polyethylene microplastic vertical transport along soil profile: An empirical model developed by column experiment
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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2022 247 p.114232
Toprak Ekosistemi Üzerine Mikroplastiklerin Etkileri
AKÇA Muhittin Onur, SÖZÜDOĞRU OK Sonay
Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi. 2021 9(2). p.79
The Possibility of Microplastic Removal by Earthworms and Comparing With Conventional Chemical Removal Methods (A Global and Deeply Systematic Review)
Jaafarzadeh Haghighi Fard Neamatollah, Jahedi Faezeh, Dehdarirad Hassan
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Viscosity Controls Rapid Infiltration and Drainage, Not the Macropores
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Water. 2020 12(2). p.337
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Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2024 112(2).
Microplastic surface retention and mobility on hiking trails
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Communications Earth & Environment. 2021 2(1).
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Non-negligible impact of microplastics on wetland ecosystems
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