Exploration Geophysics
Volume 49 Number 6 2018
EG16132Least-squares Kirchhoff migration with non-smooth regularisation strategy for subsurface imaging
A fast non-smooth regularisation method is proposed to solve the difficulties involved in the classical least-squares Kirchhoff migration. It not only accounts for the irregular and incomplete data sampling, but also compensates for the anomalous ray coverage and multipathing problem. Numerical experiments show that the method works well.
EG17014Amplification characteristics at Iedang Reservoir dam sites determined using H/V spectral ratio with background noise, S-wave and coda wave energy
Amplification characteristics are critical in evaluating the reliability in seismic design for engineering and seismic source and crustal attenuation characteristics for seismology. Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios were analysed using six seismograms observed at four sites near Iedang Reservoir in Korea. Amplification characteristics were compared using the S-wave, coda wave and background noise of each seismogram.
EG17068Geophysical strata rating (GSR) as an aid in carbonate reservoir characterisation: an example from the South Pars gas field, Persian Gulf Basin
In this study, the geophysical strata rating (GSR), which is an empirical measure of rock competency, is calculated from petrophysical data. The GSR is then extended to the whole South Pars gas field in the framework of 3D seismic data through an acoustic impedance poststack seismic inversion.
EG17046Comparison of the projection onto convex sets and iterative hard thresholding methods for seismic data interpolation and denoising
The projection onto convex sets (POCS) method is deduced using the iterative hard thresholding (IHT) algorithm and a projection operator with more detailed physical illustrations. The interpolation performances on noise-free and noisy data are explained in detail and the reasons behind these performances are fully discussed, which provide clues to further improve interpolation accuracy.
EG17058Sensitivity evaluation of a seismic interpolation algorithm
To maintain the initial resolution of the seismic image from seismic sparse acquisition, we propose several ways to sample data irregularly but periodically. At every processing step, we quantified the effect of interpolation by comparing the results with those from the fully sampled data. The result shows that using 60% of the available data is feasible.
EG17128A high expansion implicit finite-element prestack reverse time migration method
Building on the concepts of cohesion degree and local relaxation, we propose an integrated hierarchical equilibrium parallel finite-element reverse time migration (HEP-FE-RTM) algorithm, which has the distinct advantage in that parallel efficiency does not decrease as the number of processors increases.
EG18004Poynting vector-guided imaging condition for imaging fractures using microseismic data
We image pre-existing fractures using the elastic reverse time migration with source-independent converted phase (ERTM SICP) imaging condition based on observed seismic signals during microseismic monitoring. However, the results showed linear spurious events which are caused by velocity differences between P- and S-waves. To suppress these events, we modified the imaging condition by adding a weighting function calculated from the Poynting vector of the P- and S-waves.
EG17072Analysis of reservoir heterogeneities and depositional environments: a new method
A new methodology for quantifying reservoir heterogeneities based on a Monte Carlo parameter estimation technique using fractal parameters derived from the von Karman autocorrelation function is proposed. The reservoir heterogeneity parameters computed from sonic logs in an oilfield show that these parameters can be discriminants for depositional environments.
EG18011Development and numerical tests of a Bayesian approach to inferring shallow velocity structures using microtremor arrays
We have developed an empirical Bayesian approach to inferring shallow S-wave velocity structures. This approach has the potential to automatically determine the number of layers of a velocity structure model as well as to confirm the plausible assumption of a surface-wave theory.
EG18011 Abstract | EG18011 Full Text | EG18011PDF (1.5 MB) Open Access Article
EG17018Acoustic VTI reverse time migration based on an improved source wavefield storage strategy
The reverse time migration (RTM) equations for staggered-grid high order finite difference scheme incorporating a perfectly matched layer boundary for vertically transversely isotropic (VTI) media are proposed, and checkpoints and GPU accelerated techniques are utilised for data storage and computation efficiency. Hess 2D model tests demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
EG17088A new staggered grid finite difference scheme optimised in the space domain for the first order acoustic wave equation
In this paper, we propose a new finite difference (FD) scheme which uses different staggered grid FD operators for different first order spatial derivatives in the first order acoustic wave equation. The dispersion analysis and numerical simulation demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
EG17135Reconstruction of 3D non-uniformly sampled seismic data along two spatial coordinates using non-equispaced curvelet transform
We propose the non-equispaced fast discrete curvelet transform-based reconstruction method designed for 3D seismic data that are non-uniformly sampled along two spatial coordinates. The method we propose, which has a strong anti-aliasing and anti-noise ability, can be used to reconstruct the non-uniform sampled data to a specified uniform grid.
EG18020Simple assessment of shallow velocity structures with small-scale microtremor arrays: interval-averaged S-wave velocities
This article describes a simple method for estimating interval-averaged S-wave velocities for 10-m depth ranges down to a depth of 30 m. Possibilities and limitations of this method are examined by using the analysis results of the microtremor data obtained in the town of Mashiki, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
EG18020 Abstract | EG18020 Full Text | EG18020PDF (1015 KB) Open Access Article
EG17083Integration of 3D reflection seismics and magnetic data for deep platinum mine planning and risk mitigation: a case study from Bushveld Complex, South Africa
We use high-resolution aeromagnetic and 3D reflection seismics to delineate geological structures and bodies defined as loss-of-ground features in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. These include faults, replacement pegmatoids and slump features. This is done for more efficient mine planning and risk reduction.
EG16069Two dimensional cross-gradient joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data sets constrained by airborne electromagnetic resistivity in the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
Airborne collection of electromagnetic and potential field data is a common strategy for extensive resource exploration and reconnaissance. Since these datasets contain information about different properties at different depths, they are normally considered complementary and are interpreted separately. Using airborne data acquired in Western Australia, we explore the viability of their joint inversion and show the advantages of their combined analysis and interpretation.
EG17171Multiple-point geostatistical simulation for mine evaluation with aeromagnetic data
Multiple-point geostatistical simulation (MPS) was applied to develop 3D ore models matched to surrounding geological information accompanying aeromagnetic data using training image. The present study proposes a method for reducing the uncertainty of the 3D ore model, applying MPS to create probabilistic ore models and analysing the correlation between the models and geophysical data.