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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Table of Contents
Exploration Geophysics

Exploration Geophysics

Volume 44 Number 4 2013

The reduction of baseline drift in GREATEM data is of vital importance to inversion explanation. To correct the baseline drift, this study proposes a wavelet-based method. Through simulation and field data evaluation, the results show that the proposed method is an effective and practical method to remove the baseline drift.

We calculate the secondary response from Geotech Ltd’s VTEM airborne time domain EM system. The ratio of time constants for the B-field and dB/dt signals at late times is determined to be a useful single-valued function of bedrock conductor strength. Interpretations become more complicated in the presence of conductive overburden.

We present a method to estimate the incident-angle field in heterogeneous isotropic media based on a one-way wave propagator. The field is estimated by the division of two impulse responses of the monochromatic wave field. The tilted coordinate system is adopted to avoid the steep-angle limitation of one-way wave propagators.

EG12069Structural interpretation of the Ifal Basin in north-western Saudi Arabia from aeromagnetic data: hydrogeological and environmental implications

Eslam Elawadi, Haider Zaman, Awni Batayneh, Saad Mogren, Abdalaziz Laboun, Habes Ghrefat and Taisser Zumlot
pp. 251-263

Interpretation of the aeromagnetic data for the Ifal Basin, north-western Saudi Arabia, enables estimation of the sediment thickness and mapping of the basin geometry, qualifying this basin for groundwater and oil occurrences. Several interpreted fault systems and tilted blocks bounding the basin can be considered as conduits for groundwater accumulation.

Three alternative local wavenumber methods are proposed to estimate the depth and the nature (structural index) of the 2D magnetic source simultaneously using various combinations of different forms of the local wavenumbers without any prior information about the source.

EG12067CET exSim: mineral exploration experience via simulation

Jason C. Wong, Eun-Jung Holden, Peter Kovesi, T. Campbell McCuaig and Jon Hronsky
pp. 272-281

We present a unique and novel e-learning environment, exSim, to address the critical industry issue of obtaining mineral exploration experience more effectively. By allowing users to test their exploration strategies, and providing them with immediate feedback, users can quickly develop their potential to make effective exploration decisions.

Paleoenvironmental studies using a geoelectrical technique played a very important role in protecting, and guiding the excavation process at, two valuable archaeological sites in the Nile Delta in Egypt. Tracing the defunct water canals that supplied water to the two sites is the main objective of this work.

EG13046In-situ stresses in the Southern Perth Basin at the GSWA Harvey-1 well site

Vamegh Rasouli, Marina Pervukhina, Tobias M. Müller and Roman Pevzner
pp. 289-298

The mechanical properties and state of stress fields in the Southern Perth Basin were estimated using log and VSP data newly acquired from the GSWA Harvey-1 well. The strike-slip regime was found to be dominant. Using borehole breakout analysis, the average azimuth of the maximum horizontal stress was found to be 106°.