Exploration Geophysics
Volume 41 Number 2 2010
EG09027Dip angle-compensated one-way wave equation migration
Weijia Sun, Binzhong Zhou and Li-Yun Fu
pp. 137-145
EG09035A comparison of rock physics models for fluid substitution in carbonate rocks
Ali Misaghi, Sajjad Negahban, Martin Landrø and Abdolrahim Javaherian
pp. 146-154
EG09024Linking the upper crust to the upper mantle: comparison of teleseismic tomography with long-wavelength features of the gravity and magnetic fields of southeastern Australia
Robert Musgrave and Nicholas Rawlinson
pp. 155-162
EG09047Removal of cultural noise from high-resolution aeromagnetic data using a two stage equivalent source approach
Ahmed Salem, Kaxia Lei, Chris Green, J. Derek Fairhead and Gerry Stanley
pp. 163-169
EG09029Microgravimetric and ground penetrating radar geophysical methods to map the shallow karstic cavities network in a coastal area (Marina Di Capilungo, Lecce, Italy)
Giovanni Leucci and Lara De Giorgi
pp. 178-188