Exploration Geophysics
Volume 38 Number 3 2007
EG07022The Neogene tectonic history of the North West Shelf, Australia
Myra Keep, Mathew Harrowfield and Warwick Crowe
pp. 151-174
EG07017Further investigation over Quaternary silts using the Spatial Autocorrelation (SPAC) and Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) microtremor methods
James Roberts and Michael Asten
pp. 175-183
EG07018Seismic similarity analysis through self-organising maps
Oscar Rondon and Rafael Banchs
pp. 184-188
EG07019Constraints on coda wave interferometry estimates of source separation: the acoustic case
David Robinson, Malcolm Sambridge and Roel Snieder
pp. 189-199
EG07020The contribution of magnetite to the induced polarization response of the Centenary orebody
Karen Pittard and Barry Bourne
pp. 200-207
EG07021Interactive geophysical inversion using qualitative geological constraints
Chris Wijns and Peter Kowalczyk
pp. 208-212