Exploration Geophysics
Volume 35 Number 4 2004
EG04236Modelling the contemporary and palaeo stress field of Australia using finite-element modelling with automatic optimisation
S. Dyksterhuis and R.D. Müller
pp. 236-241
EG04242Lithospheric structure in the Australian region - a synthesis of surface wave and body wave studies
B.L.N. Kennett, S. Fishwick and M. Heintz
pp. 242-250
EG04251Using Mohr circles to identify regional dimensionality and strike angle from distorted magnetotelluric data
J.T. Weaver and F.E.M. Lilley
pp. 251-254
EG04255Seismic while drilling: basic experiments using a percussion drill as an energy source
T. Yokota, K. Onishi, H. Karasawa, T. Ohno, A. Ota and T. Kaneko
pp. 255-259
EG04266Inversion of data from electrical resistivity imaging surveys in water-covered areas
M.H. Loke and J.W. Lane Jr
pp. 266-271
EG04272HoistEM data processing for discovery of high-grade manganese ore under regolith cover
A. Hashemi and J. Meyers
pp. 272-276
EG04277Model-consistent rescaling to correct amplitude calibration problems in HEM data
Y. Ley-Cooper and J. Macnae
pp. 277-282
EG04283Post-processing calibration of frequency-domain electromagnetic data for sea-ice thickness measurements
J.E. Reid and J. Bishop
pp. 283-287
EG04288Rapid estimation of shallow seawater depth from airborne electromagnetics
J. Macnae, T. Robb and J. Vrbancich
pp. 288-291
EG04292Towards seawater depth determination using the helicopter HoistEM system
J. Vrbancich and P.K. Fullagar
pp. 292-296
EG04297GETMAG ? a SQUID magnetic tensor gradiometer for mineral and oil exploration
P. Schmidt, D. Clark, K. Leslie, M. Bick, D. Tilbrook and C. Foley
pp. 297-305
EG04306Contact mapping from gridded magnetic data ? a comparison of techniques
M. Pilkington and P. Keating
pp. 306-311
EG04319Borehole radar delineation of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef in three dimensions
P. du Pisani and D. Vogt
pp. 319-323
EG04324Coal seismic depth conversion for mine data integration: a case study from the Sandy Creek 3D seismic survey
B. Zhou and P. Hatherly
pp. 324-330