Exploration Geophysics
Volume 29 Numbers 1 & 2 1998
Airborne Electromagnetics
Editors: B. R. Spies, D. Fitterman, S. Holladay and G. Liu
EG998016Streamed data - a source of insight and improvement for time domain airborne EM
R. Lane, C. Plunkett, A. Price, A. Green and Y. Hu
pp. 16-23
EG998030Potential use of high Tc SQUIDS for airborne electromagnetics
C.P. Foley and K.E. Leslie
pp. 30-34
EG998046Novel dual frequency fixed-wing airborne EM system of Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
A. Poikonen, K. Sulkanen, M. Oksama and I. Suppala
pp. 46-51
EG998061Development of grounded electrical source airborne transient EM (GREATEM)
T. Mogi, Y. Tanaka, K. Kusunoki, T. Morikawa and N. Jomori
pp. 61-64
EG998092Removal of herringbone effects from AEM data maps using the Radon transform
M.P. Sykes and U.C. Das
pp. 92-95
EG998111Three-dimensional frequency-domain modeling of airborne electromagnetic responses
D.B. Avdeev, A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov and G.A. Newman
pp. 111-119
EG998133Examples of 1-D inversion of multifrequency HEM data from 3-D resistivity distributions
K.P. Sengpiel and B. Siemon
pp. 133-141
EG998142Reduction of inversion errors in helicopter EM data using auxiliary information
M. Deszcz-Pan, D.V. Fitterman and V.F. Labson
pp. 142-146
EG998147Automated inversion of broadband multiple transmitter-receiver airborne EM data for the parameters of a small, confined conductor
W. Qian, J.S. Holladay and Z. Dvorak
pp. 147-151
EG998152Interpretation of airborne electromagnetic data with neural networks
W. Seiberl, A. Ahl and E. Winkler
pp. 152-156
EG998163Fast AEM data processing and inversion
J. Macnae, A. King, N. Stolz, A. Osmakoff and A. Blaha
pp. 163-169
EG998191Block modelling as a check on the interpretation of stitched CDI sections from AEM data
J. Macnae and Z. Xiong
pp. 191-194
EG998195Generalisation of the transient field solution for a thin layer of finite thickness
B.Sh. Singer and A. Green
pp. 195-197
EG998199Beyond bump finding ? airborne electromagnetics for mineral exploration in regolith dominated terrains
L. Worrall, T. Munday and A. Green
pp. 199-203
EG998204Case study: The evolution of airborne time domain electromagnetic applications for geologic mapping; a Noranda perspective
M.J. Schaefer, J. Gingerich and J. Lemieux
pp. 204-210
EG998211Airborne conductivity mapping of the Bathurst Mining Camp
P.B. Keating, F.G. Kiss, J. Katsube and M. E. Best
pp. 211-217
EG998225The use of B-field measurements in an airborne time-domain system ? Part II: examples in conductive regimes
P. Wolfgram and S. Thomson
pp. 225-229
EG998230Improving the management of dryland salinity in Australia through the national airborne geophysics project
I. Coppa, P. Woodgate and A. Webb
pp. 230-233
EG998240Helicopter EM mapping of saltwater intrusion in Everglades National Park, Florida
D.V. Fitterman and M. Deszcz-Pan
pp. 240-243
EG998244Sea ice thickness mapping by airborne and ground EM methods
H. Soininen, T. Jokinen, M. Oksama and I. Suppala
pp. 244-248
EG998249Magnetic permeability and electrical resistivity mapping with a multifrequency airborne EM system
H. Huang and D.C. Fraser
pp. 249-253
EG998254The application of multifrequency airborne electromagnetics to iron ore exploration
M. Flis, P. Hawke and A. McMillan
pp. 254-258