Exploration Geophysics
Volume 17 Number 2 1986
EG986075Interpretation of lithology from the formation resistivity of unconsolidated argillaceous/arenaceous sediments
P.J. Elliott and L.T. Thomas
pp. 75-79
EG986087Lateral response functions for different linear configurations in resistivity methods for a homogeneous half-space
B. Banerjee and B.P. Pal
pp. 87-92
EG986093A simple method for determination of depth of investigation characteristics in resistivity prospecting
B. Banerjee and B.P. Pal
pp. 93-95
EG986097Application of the Hilbert transform in resolution of magnetic signals: a new technique
G.R. Dass, S.M.V. Rao and N.L. Mohan
pp. 97-104
EG986105A spectral analysis of the aeromagnetic profiles for thickness estimation of flood basalts of India
J.G. Negi, V.P. Dimri, P.K. Agrawal and O.P. Pandey
pp. 105-111
EG986113Short notes: Production of pixel maps of airborne magnetic data for Australia, with examples for the Roper River 1:1 000 000 sheet
V. Anfiloff and A. Luyendyk
pp. 113-117