Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Volume 9 Number 3 1978
J.C. Mutter and D. Jongsma
pp. 70-75
EG978093Geochemical zonation in the Sunda volcanic arc, and the origin of K-rich lavas
I.A. Nicholls and D.J. Whitford
pp. 93-98
EG978098Subaerial volcanic rocks of the Willaumez?Manus rise, Papua New Guinea: a key to the origin of the rise?
R.W. Johnson and R.J. Arculus
pp. 98-99
EG978110New, early tertiary, ages for basal pelagites, Northeast Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands (Central southwest flank, Ontong Java Plateau)
P.J. Coleman, B. McGowran and W.R.H. Ramsay
pp. 110-114
EG978123Lower to middle Miocene sediments on Maewo, New Hebrides, and their relevance to the development of the outer Melanesian arc system
J.N. Carney and A. Macfarlane
pp. 123-130
EG978143Interpretation of magnetic anomalies across the Campbell Plateau, south of New Zealand
D.A. Christoffel
pp. 143-145