Exploration Geophysics
Volume 38 Number 2 2007
Papers from the Australian Earth Sciences Convention, 2006
EG07014The use of curvature in potential-field interpretation
Jeffrey D. Phillips, R. O. Hansen and Richard J. Blakely
pp. 111-119
EG07015Seismically constrained petrophysics in the Scarborough area
F. Hasan Sidi and Guy Duncan
pp. 120-124
EG07016Microtremor methods applied to groundwater studies
Camilla Sorensen and Michael Asten
pp. 125-131
EG07012Real-time kinematic tracking of towed AEM birds
Terence Kratzer and Julian Vrbancich
pp. 132-143
EG07013Layered earth inversions of AEM bathymetry data incorporating aircraft attitude and bird offset — a case study of Torres Strait
Peter Wolfgram and Julian Vrbancich
pp. 144-149