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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Error in estimation of arrival direction on offset VSP data

M. Windhofer and R. Young

Exploration Geophysics 22(2) 451 - 456
Published: 1991


Recent advances in high resolution velocity estimation using first-arrivals on multicomponent offset VSP data are crucially dependent upon accurate determination of arrival direction (eg., Esmersoy, 1988). Such methods require post-acquisition orientation of 3-component data by coordinate rotation. Rotation into the direction of maximum P-wave energy in the horizontal plane at each depth of a VSP survey reorients the coordinate system. A second rotation in the vertical plane towards the source establishes the arrival direction and, in addition, separates the P-, SV-, and SH-transmitted waves. An error in the first rotation influences strongly a separation of the wavemodes. The desired rotation angles can be found from an expression which involves cross-products between measured components (DiSiena et al., 1981). The expression assumes there is no phase difference between these components. This will certainly be the case for an isolated P-wave arrival measured on a recording system with identical impulse responses for all three channels. However, non-identical channel responses or overlapping P-wave arrivals introduce, in turn, erroneous estimates of P-wave arrival direction. The present study quantifies the error in arrival direction as a function of phase difference between components and looks closer into the difference between an instantaneous and an average estimate when calculating the rotation angle.

© ASEG 1991

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