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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

3D seismic reflection: examples of its application to mine planning and safety in Australian Coalfields

A.N. Lambourne, P.J. Hatherly and B.J. Evans

Exploration Geophysics 22(1) 227 - 230
Published: 1991


Two low fold, high resolution, three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data sets have been used to delineate potential hazards in underground mining operations in the Sydney Basin, New South Wales. Data were acquired using orthogonal source and receiver lines, and were conventionally processed. Interpretations were performed on an interactive work station. Results from the first survey have resolved a previously ambiguous interpretation, and produced a preferred location for future longwall panels. Subsequent mining and in-seam drilling have confirmed the interpretation. Results from the second survey have defined a synclinal feature which has yet to be proved by drilling or mining.

© ASEG 1991

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