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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

A review of geophysical exploration methods for coal in Queensland

R.D. Huber

Exploration Geophysics 16(3) 228 - 230
Published: 1985


The Geological Survey Division (GSD) has initiated numerous studies involving the application of geophysical techniques in the coal industry. An example of the early work is the combined Queensland Department of Mines/BMR seismic reflection survey near Moura (GSD/BMR 1970). This survey recorded clear reflections from coal seams as shallow as 91 m and detected faults with throws as small as 4.5 m. More unusual studies were reported by Koppe and Anderson (1974). They noted an empirical relationship between the variation along strike of coal rank and the Bouguer anomaly values at the northwest edge of the Bowen Basin. They concluded that the basement, through its influence on the geothermal gradient, was a determining factor of coal rank variation in this part of the Bowen Basin. More recently the suitability of microgravity and INPUT methods are being evaluated as indicators of structure on shallow seams, and the potential location of mini-coal basins respectively.

© ASEG 1985

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