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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Interpretation of magnetic gradients due to buried sloping steps

D.A. Rao and H.V.R. Babu

Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 12(4) 89 - 92
Published: 1981


Two functions, H(x) and V(x) involving the combinations of both the horizontal Tx(x) and vertical Th(x) gradients of the total magnetic intensity anomaly due to a buried sloping step are defined as [see full text for equation] and [see full text for equation] where b is the effective inclination of the magnetization vector. By combining the two gradients Tx(x) and Th(x) in this fashion the effect of inclination of the inducing field is removed in the two functions H(x) and V(x). Characteristic points on H(x) and V(x) curves such as zero crossings and equi-gradients are used to evaluate the parameters of the step. This technique can be extended easily to magnetic anomalies in vertical and horizontal components.

© ASEG 1981

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