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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Magnetic and gravity interpretation on the Stuart Shelf South Australia

C.G. Anderson

Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 10(3) 193 - 194
Published: 1979


The Stuart Shelf region is a stable platform of Carpentarian or older crystalline basement which is overlain by flat lying Adelaidean and Cambrian sediments. It extends eastward from the exposed crystalline Gawler Block area to the mobile "Torrens Hinge" zone. The Olympic Dam copper- uranium deposit occurs near the eastern margin of the region in a zone of high magnetic relief which covers much of ANDAMOOKA. The deposit was discovered by reconnaissance drilling of coincident gravity and magnetic highs by Western Mining Corporation Ltd. in 1975. The mineralisation occurs beneath approximately 350 metres of Adelaidean sediments and therefore is an excellent example of the type of concealed ore body which will become a more frequent exploration target in the next decade.

© ASEG 1979

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