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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Error analysis for gravity interpretation using stanley's gradient method

S. Arafin and J.M. Stanley

Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 8(4) 144 - 148
Published: 1977


In a paper read at the 25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, 1976 Stanley described a simplified method for interpreting gravity anomalies due to contact and dyke-like structures. The method involved the assumptions of considerable depth extent relative to thickness of overburden, infinite strike length, and in the case of a dyke, a depth of burial much greater than the width. In real situations these assumptions may not always be justified. We now evaluate the limits to which the approximations may be extended before unsatisfactory errors are introduced to the interpreted structural parameters.

© ASEG 1977

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