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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

The geophysical volcanogenic target in Eastern Australia

L.W. Davis

Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 8(3) 50 - 59
Published: 1977


A detailed understanding of the geology of an exploration target is a pre-requisite for appropriate choice of geophysical methods and accurate interpretation of results. In the Rosebery ore type, measured rock properties of the economic sulphide components give an insight to the response which would be observed in the field. The detection of such bodies would be straightforward if the effects from host rocks could be eliminated or minimised. In reality, the complex distribution of sulphides, the great rock type variation within the acid volcanic piles associated with the sulphides, geometrical complications from tectonics, and the overprints of metamorphism and weathering, all present a considerable challenge to the geologist and geophysicist when selecting techniques and interpreting surveys. When assessing new prospects, the study of case histories from like areas with known geology is helpful in judging which geophysical methods might yield the more useful data.

© ASEG 1977

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