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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Geology of hill end trough Molong high: The Cuga Burga Volcanics ? a lower devonian volcanic pile

D.J. Morton

Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 7(1) 22 - 22
Published: 1976


The structure and stratigraphy of marine volcanic pedestals of a basaltic composition take on a distinct general form as proposed by Jones (1966). Quiet effusive pillow lava piles form the foundations of the volcanic pedestals. The emergent phase is characterized by tuff and breccia cappings. Sheet lava and flow-foot breccia record the effusion of lava in air whereas the subaqueous breccias arenites and lutites form an encircling sedimentary apron. The sedimentary apron volumetrically contains more material than the lava pile.

© ASEG 1976

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