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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

The consortium for ocean geoscience of Australian Universities

G. Packham

Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 6(3) 31 - 32
Published: 1975


Australian University research on ocean geology and geophysics is characteristically an international activity in which we are forced to assume the role of an underdeveloped nation. While we certainly have our share of scientists of recognised ability in the field, we are severely hampered by a lack of facilities. Australia does not possess an ocean going earth sciences oceanographic vessel. We have to rely almost exclusively on hitching rides on foreign research ships. The Australian Navy provides the only ship time on Australian vessels. The total useful time available annually is very small, and cruises are for specified duration between specified ports. The brevity of most cruises and the restricted number of available ports severely limits the regions which are accessible. Scientific activities on these vessels is severely limited by their design and the nature of their basic equipment. Specialised equipment has to be installed before the commencement of a cruise and removed at its conclusion.

© ASEG 1975

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