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Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Rapid integration of large airborne geophysical data suites using a fuzzy partitioning cluster algorithm: a tool for geological mapping and mineral exploration targeting

Hendrik Paasche 1 3 Detlef G. Eberle 2 3
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1 University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24, D-14476 Potsdam, Germany.

2 Geophysics BU, Council for Geoscience, Private Bag X112, Pretoria 0001, South Africa.

3 Corresponding authors. Email:;

Exploration Geophysics 40(3) 277-287
Submitted: 17 December 2008  Accepted: 4 June 2009   Published: 21 September 2009


Unsupervised classification techniques, such as cluster algorithms, are routinely used for structural exploration and integration of multiple frequency bands of remotely sensed spectral datasets. However, up to now, very few attempts have been made towards using unsupervised classification techniques for rapid, automated, and objective information extraction from large airborne geophysical data suites. We employ fuzzy c-means (FCM) cluster analysis for the rapid and largely automated integration of complementary geophysical datasets comprising airborne radiometric and magnetic as well as ground-based gravity data, covering a survey area of approximately 5000 km2 located 100 km east-south-east of Johannesburg, South Africa, along the south-eastern limb of the Bushveld layered mafic intrusion complex. After preparatory data processing and normalisation, the three datasets are subjected to FCM cluster analysis, resulting in the generation of a zoned integrated geophysical map delineating distinct subsurface units based on the information the three input datasets carry. The fuzzy concept of the cluster algorithm employed also provides information about the significance of the identified zonation. According to the nature of the input datasets, the integrated zoned map carries information from near-surface depositions as well as rocks underneath the sediment cover. To establish a sound geological association of these zones we refer the zoned geophysical map to all available geological information, demonstrating that the zoned geophysical map as obtained from FCM cluster analysis outlines geological units that are related to Bushveld-type, other Proterozoic- and Karoo-aged rocks.

Key words: airborne geophysics, cluster analysis, geological mapping, multivariate statistics, South Africa.


The authors thankfully acknowledge the preparedness of the Council for Geoscience to make available the complementary data suite and supplementary geological information for this study. This research work has been partly supported by the International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; grant SUA08/015), the South African National Research Foundation (NRF; UID 69441) and the German Research Foundation (DFG; grant PA1643/1-1).


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Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is a partitioning cluster algorithm grouping n data points in a t-dimensional space into a specified number of c subsets or clusters by iteratively minimizing the objective function


where uij denotes the degree of membership of data point dj to cluster i defined by its centre vi. Memberships are constrained to be positive and to satisfy


The weighting exponent f, also referred to as the ‘fuzzification parameter’ (e.g. Güler and Thyne, 2004; Fridgen et al., 2004) controls the degree of fuzziness in the resulting memberships and must be selected from the interval 1 < f < ∞. As f approaches unity, FCM cluster analysis approximates the crisp k-means cluster algorithm; increasing f results in increased fuzziness of the memberships. For most databases to be clustered a selection of f between 1.5 and 2 is regarded as suitable choice (e.g. Hathaway and Bezdek, 2001). The Euclidian distance between the j-th data point and the i-th cluster centre is calculated in a t-dimensional space


where the locations of data points dj and cluster centres vi are defined by t attributes.

After providing the initial parameters (number of clusters c, fuzzification parameter f, and an initial guess of u1..c, 1..n or v1..c, 1..t), J is minimised with respect to uij and vi by iterative alternating optimisation (Bezdek and Hathaway, 2002). One iteration consists of updating the membership values uij


and the cluster centres vi


The order depends on whether initial memberships or centre locations are given. The algorithm terminates after a predefined number of iterations or if the improvement of J falls below a given threshold.

Suitability of the chosen c can be statistically evaluated by repeating cluster analysis for different c and calculating the Xie-Beni-index (XBI) (Xie and Beni, 1991)


with z = 1…c and z ≠ i.

A crisp clustering result assigning each dj uniquely to one of the c clusters can be obtained by defuzzification of the fuzzy membership information. Here, we use the rather simple core selection defuzzification (e.g. Van Leekwijck and Kerre, 1999) and obtain a n-element vector h containing the cluster numbers the n data point are assigned to by


with hj ∈ {1…c}.