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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

The role of geophysics in understanding salinisation in Southwestern Queensland

K. Wilkinson, T. Chamberlain and M. Grundy

Exploration Geophysics 36(1) 78 - 85
Published: 2005


This study, combining geophysical and environmental approaches, was undertaken to investigate the causes of secondary salinity in the Goondoola basin, in southwestern Queensland. Airborne radiometric, electromagnetic and ground electromagnetic datasets were acquired, along with data on soils and subsurface materials and groundwater. Relationships established between radiometric, elevation data, and measured material properties allowed us to generate predictive maps of surface materials and recharge potential. Greatest recharge to the groundwater is predicted to occur on the weathered bedrock rises surrounding the basin. Electromagnetic data (airborne, ground, and downhole), used in conjunction with soil and drillhole measurements, were used to quantify regolith salt store and to define the subsurface architecture. Conductivity measurements reflect soil salt distribution. However, deeper in the regolith, where the salt content is relatively constant, the AEM signal is influenced by changes in porosity or material type. This allowed the lateral distribution of bedrock weathering zones to be mapped. Salinisation in this area occurs because of local- and intermediate-scale processes, controlled strongly by regolith architecture. The present surface outbreak is the result of evaporative concentration above shallow saline groundwater, discharging at break of slope. The integration of surficial and subsurface datasets allowed the identification of similar landscape settings that are most at risk of developing salinity with groundwater rise. This information is now being used by local land managers to refine management choices that prevent excess recharge and further salt mobilisation.

© ASEG 2005

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