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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

3D gravity and aeromagnetic inversion for MVT lead-zinc exploration at Pillara, Western Australia

P.K. Fullagar, G. Pears, D. Hutton and A. Thompson

Exploration Geophysics 35(2) 142 - 146
Published: 2004


Constrained 3D gravity and magnetic inversion has been applied to an area of approximately 11 km ´ 4.5 km enclosing the Pillara Pb/Zn mine, Lennard Shelf, Western Australia. The main aim was to better define the depth to the top of the host limestone as it plunges ENE away from the mine. The starting point for inversion was a simplified geological model based on three generalized litho-stratigraphic units: shale/siltstone, limestone, and basement. A staged inversion procedure was adopted. First, the effects of the large property contrasts were accounted for, most notably the density contrast between limestones and clastics. Subsequently, the residual gravity and magnetic data were inverted to define more subtle contrasts within the sediments. Gravity inversion involved adjustment of the limestone contact geometry as well as limestone and shale/siltstone densities. The contact was fixed where pierced by drill holes, and a priori upper and lower bounds were imposed on the densities of the geological units. The inferred limestone contact is a strong determinant of prospectivity, both in terms of depth and in terms of fault displacements. Final stage inversion highlighted coherent intra-sedimentary density trends oriented NE and NNE; these features could be associated with mineralizing faults. Aeromagnetic inversion defined a basement susceptibility distribution generally decreasing from the SW to the NE, reflecting the character of the TMI data. More subtle susceptibility trends attributed to the sediments may reflect the underlying structural fabric, though the most pervasive residual gravity features are not strongly developed in the residual magnetic data. 3D gravity inversion is effective on the Lennard Shelf as a means for defining the depth to limestone. The reliability of the inversion will be enhanced in areas where the gross geometry of the limestone contact and basement unconformity are constrained by sparse drilling or by seismic data, and where the densities are well known from drill core determinations or wireline logging. Magnetic inversion can play a supporting role, insofar as it defines the basement structure.

© ASEG 2004

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