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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Resolving a velocity inversion at the geotechnical scale using the microtremor (passive seismic) survey method

J.C. Roberts and M.W. Asten

Exploration Geophysics 35(1) 14 - 18
Published: 2004


High levels of ambient noise and safety factors often limit the use of "active-source" seismic methods for geotechnical investigations in urban environments. As an alternative, shear-wave velocity?depth profiles can be obtained by treating the background microtremor wave field as a stochastic process, rather than adopting the traditional approach of calculating velocity based on ray path geometry from a known source. A recent field test in Melbourne demonstrates the ability of the microtremor method, using only Rayleigh waves, to resolve a velocity inversion resulting from the presence of a hard, 12 m thick basalt flow overlying 25 m of softer alluvial sediments and weathered mudstone. Normally the presence of the weaker underlying sediments would lead to an ambiguous or incorrect interpretation with conventional seismic refraction methods. However, this layer of sediments is resolved by the microtremor method, and its inclusion is required in one-dimensional layered-earth modelling in order to reproduce the Rayleigh-wave coherency spectra computed from observed seismic noise records. Nearby borehole data provided both a guide for interpretation and a confirmation of the usefulness of the passive Rayleigh-wave microtremor method. Sensitivity analyses of resolvable modelling parameters demonstrate that estimates of shear velocities and layer thicknesses are accurate to within approximately 10% to 20% using the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) technique. Improved accuracy can be obtained by constraining shear velocities and/or layer thicknesses using independent site knowledge. Although there exists potential for ambiguity due to velocity?thickness equivalence, the microtremor method has significant potential as a site investigation tool in situations where the use of traditional seismic methods is limited.

© ASEG 2004

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