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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

2-D and 3-D IP/resistivity inversion for the interpretation of Isa-style targets

A. Rutley, D.W. Oldenburg and R. Shekhtman

Exploration Geophysics 32(4) 156 - 159
Published: 2001


A total of twenty line kilometres of IP, DC resistivity and MT data have been acquired using MIMDAS, (MIM's Distributed Acquisition System), over the Cluny prospect, south of Mt Isa. The utilisation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional inversion programmes has provided a significant advantage in the interpretation of these data. The integration of geology and geophysics through the use of inversion, particularly three-dimensional inversions, has greatly improved the geological understanding of the Cluny region. It has enabled the identification of variations along linear conductors, and anomalous chargeable zones. This has implications for the ability of geophysics to provide discrimination for mineralisation along linearly extensive stratigraphy.

© ASEG 2001

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