PDF (235 KB)Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia

PDF (250 KB)List of authors
PDF (225 KB)Acknowledgements
PDF (229 KB)Introduction
PDF (658 KB)Chapter 1: Observations of global and Australian climate
pp. 1-14
PDF (1257 KB)Chapter 2: Climate and greenhouse gases
pp. 15-34
PDF (1230 KB)Chapter 3: Future Australian climate scenarios
pp. 35-44
PDF (582 KB)Chapter 4: Climate change impacts
pp. 45-57
PDF (1163 KB)Chapter 5: Adaptation: reducing risk, gaining opportunity
pp. 59-72
PDF (1633 KB)Chapter 6: Adapting to heatwaves and coastal flooding
pp. 73-84
PDF (765 KB)Chapter 7: Adapting agriculture to climate change
pp. 85-96
PDF (1365 KB)Chapter 8: Greenhouse gas mitigation: sources and sinks in agriculture and forestry
pp. 97-108
PDF (1313 KB)Chapter 9: Mitigation strategies for energy and transport
pp. 109-126
PDF (954 KB)Chapter 10: Reducing energy demand: the imperative for behavioural change
pp. 127-134
PDF (615 KB)Chapter 11: Responding to a changing climate
pp. 135-138
PDF (593 KB)Endnotes
PDF (282 KB)Index
PDF (236 KB)