Volume 28 Number 4 2022
CJ22014The design and feasibility pilot of a model to guide continence care in Australian residential aged care homes
Joan Ostaszkiewicz, Leona Kosowicz, Jessica Cecil, Erica Wise, Stephanie Garratt and Briony Dow
pp. 41-51
CJ22014 Abstract | CJ22014PDF (437 KB) Open Access Article
CJ22015Factors associated with poor bladder health in community-dwelling Australians aged 40–75 years
Susan Jayne Gordon, Karen Anne Grimmer and Nicky Baker
pp. 52-58
CJ22015 Abstract | CJ22015PDF (448 KB) Open Access Article
CJ22016Poor pelvic floor health is associated with frailty in 40–75 year olds
Susan Jayne Gordon, Karen Anne Grimmer and Nicky Baker
pp. 59-70
CJ22016 Abstract | CJ22016PDF (302 KB) Open Access Article