Volume 30 Number 4 2024
CJ24030Conservative management of Type III A/B chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a systematic review
Ryan Yu-Fai Hon, Rachel Worman, David Cowley and Adam Ivan Semicw
pp. 87-104
CJ24030 Abstract | CJ24030PDF (1 MB) Open Access Article
CJ24031A study of the effects of home administered transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on quality of life, psychosocial and incontinence outcomes in children with overactive bladder syndrome
Sana Hamilton, Aniruddh Deshpande, Gail Nankivell, Elizabeth H Barnes and Patrina Caldwell
pp. 105-111
CJ24031 Abstract | CJ24031PDF (176 KB) Open Access Article
CJ24032Did you know... that 43.5% of New Zealand women report at least some urinary incontinence?
Mark Weatherall
pp. 112-112
CJ24032 Abstract | CJ24032PDF (69 KB) Open Access Article