Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 58 Number 9 2005
Colloids and Surfaces
CH05248Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium 2005 Special Issue
Patrick G. Hartley and Gregory G. Warr
pp. 625-626
CH05141Current Understanding of Formation Mechanisms in Surfactant-Templated Materials
Karen J. Edler
pp. 627-643
CH05119Crystal Comets: Dewetting During Emulsion Droplet Crystallization
Patrick T. Spicer and Richard W. Hartel
pp. 655-659
CH05121 Evidence for Why Tri(ethylene oxide) Functionalized Si-C Linked Monolayers on Si(111) Have Inferior Protein Antifouling Properties Relative to the Equivalent Alkanethiol Monolayers Assembled on Gold
Till Böcking, Michael Gal, Katharina Gaus and J. Justin Gooding
pp. 660-663
CH05113Nanoparticles at the Polydimethylsiloxane Droplet/Water Interface
Spomenka Simovic and Clive A. Prestidge
pp. 664-666
CH05115Controlled Growth of Sonochemically Synthesized Gold Seed Particles in Aqueous Solutions Containing Surfactants
Kenji Okitsu, Boon Mian Teo, Muthupandian Ashokkumar and Franz Grieser
pp. 667-670
CH05125Analyzing the Compaction of High-Porosity Microscopic Agglomerates
Lars-Oliver Heim, Hans-Jürgen Butt, Rainer Schräpler and Jürgen Blum
pp. 671-673
CH05112Neutron Reflectometry of Membrane Protein Assemblies at the Solid/Liquid Interface
Stephen A. Holt, Jeremy H. Lakey, Sofian M. Daud and Neil Keegan
pp. 674-677
CH05136Marangoni Effects in Liquid Jets of Non-Ionic Surfactants
Daniel M. Colegate and Colin D. Bain
pp. 678-682
CH05173Submicron Dispersions of Hexosomes Based on Novel Glycerate Surfactants
Celesta Fong, Irena Krodkiewska, Darrell Wells, Ben J. Boyd, James Booth, Suresh Bhargava, Alasdair McDowall and Patrick G. Hartley
pp. 683-687
CH05151A Directed Sort-and-Combine Technique for Optically Encoded Microspheres
Chris Miller
pp. 688-688