Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 55 Number 9 2002
CH02148Design and Preparation of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids Containing Biodegradable Side Chains
N. Gathergood and P. J. Scammells
pp. 557-560
CH02026Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [(CH2 )6 N4 CH3 ]2 [CoCl4 ]
W. Li, S.-L. Zheng, C.-R. Zhu, Y.-X. Tong and X.-M. Chen
pp. 561-563
CH02093Synthesis and Preliminary Pharmacological Evaluation of 4´-Arylmethyl Analogues of Clozapine. I. The Effect of Aromatic Substituents
B. Capuano, I. T. Crosby, E. J. Lloyd and D. A. Taylor
pp. 565-576
CH02097Synthesis of Some Nefopam Analogues as Potential Analgesics
A. E. Rosamilia, P. A. Mayes, R. Papadopoulos, E. M. Campi, W. R. Jackson, L. Rash and B. Jarrott
pp. 577-585
CH02080Infrared Spectra of Phthalocyanine and Naphthalocyanine in Sandwich-Type (Na)phthalocyaninato and Porphyrinato Rare-Earth Complexes. II. The Effects of Rare-Earth Ionic Size on the IR Characteristics of Naphthalocyaninein Bis(naphthalocyaninato) Rare-Earth Complexes
X. Sun, M. Bao, N. Pan, X. Cui, D. P. Arnold and J. Jiang
pp. 587-595
CH02121New Macrocyclic Ligands. XIV. Synthesis and X-Ray Structures of Potentially Pentadentate Ligands Incorporating Non-Symmetrically Arranged N4 S-, N3 OS-, N2 O2 S- and N2 S2 O-Heteroatoms
D. S. Baldwin, B. F. Bowden, P. A. Duckworth, L. F. Lindoy, B. J. McCool, G. V. Meehan, I. M. Vasilescu and S. B. Wild
pp. 597-603
CH02070A Comparison of the Antimicrobial Skin Peptides of the New Guinea Tree Frog (Litoria genimaculata ) and the Fringed Tree Frog (Litoria eucnemis )
C. S. Brinkworth, J. H. Bowie, M. J. Tyler and J. C. Wallace
pp. 605-610
CH02054The Effect of Solvent on Isomer Formation. Synthesis and Crystal Structures of CdII Complexes with 3-Nitrobenzoate and Thiourea
S.-L. Zheng, W. Li, G. Yang, X.-M. Chen, H.-G. Zhu and B.-H. Ye
pp. 611-614