Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 29 Number 5 1976
CH9760941 Electron inductive effects in the radiolysis of substituted phenylboronic acid solutions
BJ Brown, PG Fitch and DF Sangster
pp. 941-947
CH9760949The mechanism of reaction of phosphoramidate monoanions with nucleophiles
JR Baker and JM Lawlor
pp. 949-956
CH9760957A convenient procedure for the quantitative generation of carbocations in super acid media
DP Kelly and HC Brown
pp. 957-965
CH9760967C.M.R. spectra and conformational dynamics of oxygenated cis-10-Methyldecalins
JW Blunt, JM Coxon, NB Lindley and GA Lane
pp. 967-974
CH9760987Acid-catalysed reactions of the 7,8-Epoxyisopimar-15-enes
JW Blunt, GS Boyd, MP Hartshorn and MHG Munro
pp. 987-993
CH9760995Cyclopolymerization. XII. Electron spin resonance studies of the free radical reactions of β-substituted diallylamines
ALJ Beckwith, DG Hawthorne and DH Solomon
pp. 995-1003
CH9761005 Regioselective and regiospecific Di-π-methane rearrangements. Photoisomerization of 9-substituted 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-ethenoanthracenes
RG Paddick, KE Richards and GJ Wright
pp. 1005-1015
CH9761017Reactions of propargyl alcohols. I. Lithium aluminium hydride reduction of 2,3,3-Trimethylhex-4-yn-3-ol
LG Damm, MP Hartshorn and J Vaughan
pp. 1017-1021
CH9761023The chemistry of the indoleninones. III. Reactions of 2-(Methylthio)indoleninones with diazomethane
JT Baker and CC Duke
pp. 1023-1030
CH9761031Purine studies. XIX. Rodential metabolism of 2-(6',8',9'-Trimethylpurin-2'-ylthio)propionamide and related purines
DJ Brown and LG Stephanson
pp. 1031-1037
CH9761039Pyridines and pyridinium salts from cyanoacetamides
AL Cossey, RLN Harris, JL Huppatz and JN Phillips
pp. 1039-1050
CH9761059Depsidone synthesis. V. The chemistry of psoromic acid: a reinvestigation
S Huneck and MV Sargent
pp. 1059-1067
CH9761079Synthesis of orcinol tridepsides and aphthosin, an orcinol tetradepside
AJ Bryan, JA Elix and S Norfolk
pp. 1079-1086
CH9761087Pigments of marine animals. XII. The synthesis of certain substituted naphthopyrones related to crinoid pigments
JA Rideout, IR Smith and MD Sutherland
pp. 1087-1098
CH9761105Visible spectral data for pseudo-tetrahedral metal complexes–C2v d1 compounds
RSP Coutts
pp. 1105-1110
CH9761111Behaviour of some sulphur-nitrogen compounds in disulphuric acid
A Bali and KC Malhotra
pp. 1111-1113
CH9761115β-Methylation shifts from the 13C N.M.R. spectrum of 1,4-O,O-Dimethyl-chiro-inositol
JW Blunt, MHG Munro and AJ Paterson
pp. 1115-1118
CH9761119Mass spectral study of the vapour of aluminium 2,2',2'-nitrilotriethoxide
MJ Lacey and CG Macdonald
pp. 1119-1121
CH9761123The oxidation of alkyl isothiocyanates by peroxomonosulphuric acid
GJ Bridgart and IR Wilson
pp. 1123-1125
CH9761127Trimeric products from the free radical oxidation of (Z)-isoeugenol
IJ Miller
pp. 1127-1133
CH9761135Extractives of Australian timbers. XVI. The constituents of the wood of Eugenia crebrinervis (syn. Syzigium crebrinerve) and Eugenia gustavioides (syn. Cleistocalyx gustavioides)
CD Bannon, RA Eade and JJH Simes
pp. 1135-1141
CH97611472-O-Acetyltenuiorin, a new tridepside from the lichen Pseudocyphellaria australiensis
AJ Bryan and JA Elix
pp. 1147-1151
CH9761153Preparation and metal complexes of 2,2'-Pyridil Bis(2''-pyridyl)hydrazone
DSC Black, AJ Hartshorn and KS Murray
pp. 1153-1157
CH9761159The synthesis of Per-O-benzyl-α-D-galactosyl and -α-L-fucosyl bromides
K James and RV Stick
pp. 1159-1162