Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 17 Number 4 1964
CH9640440The Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of a-substituted cyclic ketones
JE Bolliger and JL Courtney
pp. 440-446
CH9640447Synthetic studies in the I ,2-dithiole series. I. Derivatives of 4-Amino-1,2-dithiol-3-one
RFC Brown and ID Rae
pp. 447-454
CH9640455Potentially tautomeric pyridines. IV. Ethyl 2-, 3-, and 4-pyridyl acetate
RA Jones and AR Katritzky
pp. 455-460
CH9640464The composition of Eucalyptus and some other leaf waxes
DHS Horn, ZH Kranz and JA Lamberton
pp. 464-476
CH9640477The occurrence of 11,12-dehydroursolic lactone acetate in Eucalyptus waxes
DHS Horn and JA Lamberton
pp. 477-480
CH9640481Vapour pressures of formyl fluoride and carbonyl chlorofluoride
G Fischer and AS Buchanan
pp. 481-483
CH9640491The structures of the acetyl derivatives of phthalazones and Phthalaz-1,4-diones
PG Parsons and HJ Rodda
pp. 491-492
CH9640496The preparation of molybdenum oxidetetrachloride
R Colton, IB Tomkins and PW Wilson
pp. 496-497
CH9640498Re-examination of the azo compound formed in the reaction between N-sulphinylaniline and p-tolylhydroxylamine
GE Lewis and MAG Osman
pp. 498-498