Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 12 Number 4 1959
CH9590543The Variable Electronegativity Method. IV. Glyoxaline, Its Cation and Anion
RD Brown and ML Heffernan
pp. 543-553
CH9590554The Variable Electronegativity Method. V. Pyridine, the Pyridinium Cation, and the Evaluation of Core-Attraction Integrals
RD Brown and ML Heffernan
pp. 554-568
CH9590569Infra-Red Spectra of Uranyl Compounds. I. Uranyl Nitrates
JG Allpress and AN Hambly
pp. 569-574
CH9590575The Intensity of the Hydroxyl Band in Infra-Red Spectra
TD Flynn, RL Werner and BM Graham
pp. 575-588
CH9590613The Conversion of Oxygen in Compounds to Water for Isotopic Analysis by a Density Technique
I Lauder and B Wilson
pp. 613-620
CH9590621The Conversion of Oxygen in Compounds to Carbon Monoxide for Mass-Spectrometric Analysis
I Lauder and B Zerner
pp. 621-629
CH9590671The Preparation of the Esters of some Substituted Sebacic Acids from Oleic Acid
LK Dalton, HH Hatt and AZ Szumer
pp. 671-677
CH9590678 Terpenoid Chemistry. II. Dysoxylonene and δ-Cadinene
RP Hildebrand and MD Sutherland
pp. 678-693
CH9590694The Alkaloids of Heliotropium supinum L., with Observations on Viridifloric Acid
HC Crowley and CCJ Culvenor
pp. 694-705
CH9590712 Studies of Casein. I. Some Observations on the Heterogeneity of Casein Fractions
HA McKenzie and RG Wake
pp. 712-722
CH9590723Studies of Casein. II. Moving Boundary Electrophoresis of Casein Fractions with Particular Reference to α-Casein
HA McKenzie and RG Wake
pp. 723-733
CH9590734Studies of Casein. III. The Molecular Size of α-, β-, and γ-Casein
HA McKenzie and RG Wake
pp. 734-742
CH9590743The Near Infra-Red Absorption of Normal Alcohols and their Bromides
RJW Le Fevre, R Roper and AJ Williams
pp. 743-747
CH9590748Reactions of Tertiary Butyl Hypochlorite. II. Rate of Reaction with some 4-Nitroanilines
KH Pausacker and JG Scroggie
pp. 748-750
CH9590751Methylsteroids. VI. The ' Isomerization ' of Lanost-8-en-3,7,11-trione
CS Barnes and A Palmer
pp. 751-752