Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 10 Number 2 1957
CH9570128The ionization constants of p-Aminobenzoic Acid in Aqueous solution at 25°C
RA Robinson and AI Biggs
pp. 128-134
CH9570160The mechanism of the Pinacol-Pinacone rearragement. VI. Low temperature kinetics
JF Duncan and KR Lynn
pp. 160-163
CH9570165Reactions of Aroyl Peroxides. III. Benzoyl Peroxide with Chlorobenzene, Naphthalene, and Nitrobenzene
BM Lynch and KH Pausacker
pp. 165-176
CH9570177The Alkaloids of Lupinus varius L. II. Alkaloids of the Leaf
WD Crow and M Michael
pp. 177-181
CH9570182Chemistry of non-enzymic browning. II. Reactions between Amino Acids, Organic Acids, and sugars in freeze-dried Apricots and Peaches
EFLJ Anet and TM Reynolds
pp. 182-192
CH9570193Chemistry of non-enzymic browning. II. Some Crystalline Amino Acid-Deoxy-sugars
pp. 193-197
CH9570198Water-Soluble constituents of fruit. VI. The Amino Acids in Apricots and Peaches
TM Reynolds
pp. 198-202