Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 7 Number 3 1954
CH9540219The behavour of fluids of Quasi-Spherical molecules. III. Surface tensions
SD Hamann and JA Lambert
pp. 219-224
CH9540225Theory of alternating current polarography. I. Equation of the reversible AC polarographic wave
B Breyer and S Hacobian
pp. 225-238
CH9540239Direct current polarography in the presence of alternating voltages. I. Reversible systems
GS Buchanan and RL Werner
pp. 239-244
CH9540245Charge densities and surface conductances at solid-solution interfaces
DJ O'Connor, N Street and AS Buchanan
pp. 245-255
CH9540256Reduction by dissolving metals. X. Aromatic compounds containing electron sinks
AJ Birch, P Hextall and S Sternhell
pp. 256-260
CH9540261Reduction by dissolving metals. XI. The action of potassium and alcohols on some monobenzenoid substances
AJ Birch, A Fogiel and GJ Harvey
pp. 261-263
CH9540264Liquid-Vapour equilibria. IV. The system ethanol + benzene at 45°C
I Brown and F Smith
pp. 264-268
CH9540264cCorrigenda - Liquid-Vapour equilibria. IV. The system ethanol + benzene at 45°C
I Brown and F Smith
pp. 264-268
CH9540269Liquid-Vapour equilibria. V. The system Carbon Tetrachloride + Acetonitrile at 45°C
I Brown and F Smith
pp. 269-272
CH9540277The Alkaloids of Heliotropium europaeum L.. I. Heliotrine and Lasiocarpine
CCJ Culvenor, LJ Drummond and JR Price
pp. 277-286
CH9540298The sesquiterpene alcohol of Myoporum crassifolium Forst
KG O'Brien, AR Penfold, MD Sutherland and RL Werner
pp. 298-300