Australian Journal of Scientific Research
Volume 4 Number 1 1951
CH9510016The Momentum Spectrum and Positive Excess of Cosmic Ray Mesons at Sea-Level
DE Caro, JK Parry and HD Rathgeber
pp. 16-35
CH9510051Radio Observations of Two Large Solar Disturbances
JV Hindman, AG Little, R Payne-Scott, DE Yabsley and CW Allen
pp. 51-61
CH9510093 Sulphonamides. II. Structure and Tautomerism of Sulphapyridine, Sulphathiazole, and Sulphanilylbenzamidine
SJ Angyal and WK Warburton
pp. 93-106
CH9510107The Chemistry of Western Australian Plants. IV. Duboisia hopwoodii
W Bottomley and DE White
pp. 107-111
CH9510112The Chemistry of Western Australian Plants. V. Vellein from Velleia discophora
W Bottomley and DE White
pp. 112-115