Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 42 Number 8 1989
CH9891217Preparation of Some 1-Alkyl-4-[1-(ethoxyimino)butyl]-3-hydroxy-5-oxocyclohex-3-ene-1-carboxylic Acid Ester and Amide Herbicides by Reductive Alkylation of 3,5-Dimethoxybenzoic Acid
AJ Liepa, AJ Liepa, JS Wilkie, JS Wilkie, KN Winzenberg and KN Winzenberg
pp. 1217-1225
CH9891227A Classical Trajectory Calculation of Average Energy Transfer Parameters for the CH3OO+Ar System
AR Whyte and RG Gilbert
pp. 1227-1234
CH9891235Enolic Ortho Esters. I. Preparation and Birch Reduction of Some Coumarinoid Ortho Esters
DJ Collins, LM Downes, AG Jhingran, SB Rutschmann and GJ Sharp
pp. 1235-1248
CH9891249(+)-Iforrestine: a Novel Heterocyclic Nephrotoxin From Isotropis forrestii
SM Colegate, PR Dorling, CR Huxtable, TJ Shaw, BW Skelton, P Vogel and AH White
pp. 1249-1255
CH9891273The pH Dependence of the Ruthenium-Catalyzed Ferricyanide Oxidation of Cyclohexanol
RW Kaziro and JK Beattie
pp. 1273-1279
CH98912811,4-Dinitroimidazole and Derivatives. Structure and Thermal Rearrangement
MR Grimmett, ST Hua, KC Chang, SA Foley and J Simpson
pp. 1281-1289
CH9891307The Reaction of Thiophene 1,1-Dioxide With Haloform-Sodium Hydroxide Under Phase-Transfer Catalysis
BR Dent and GJ Gainsford
pp. 1307-1312
CH9891313An N.M.R. Study of Electron Donor-Electron Acceptor Interaction Between Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Diazines
DT Hurst, UB Thakrar, CHJ Wells and J Wyer
pp. 1313-1319
CH9891321Cyclopentadienylideneethenone: Pyrolytic Generation and Argon Matrix Infrared Spectroscopic Study
RFC Brown, NR Browne, KJ Coulston, FW Eastwood, MJ Irvine, ADE Pullin and UE Wiersum
pp. 1321-1344
CH9891351Photooxidation of m-Phenoxytoluene at Colloidal Titanium Dioxide/Non-Aqueous Solution Interfaces
E Blatt, DN Furlong, AWH Mau, WHF Sasse and D Wells
pp. 1351-1366
CH9891367The Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of m-Phenoxytoluene on Titanium Dioxide Particles Supported in Nafion Membranes
EA Lund, E Blatt, DN Furlong, AWH Mau and WHF Sasse
pp. 1367-1373
CH9891375Glycomaurin and Glycomaurrol, New Carbazole Alkaloids From Glycosmis mauritiana (Rutaceae) Bark
V Kumar, J Reisch and A Wickramasinghe
pp. 1375-1379
CH9891381Lewis-Base Adducts of Group 11 Metal(I) Compounds. LVII. Crystal-Structure of Bis(2,6-diacetyl-pyridine)silver(I) Perchlorate
SB Silong, LM Engelhardt and AH White
pp. 1381-1386
CH9891387Novel Conformational Isomerism in a Six-Coordinate Silver(I) Complex of a Sexadentate Macrocycle With an N3S3 Donor Set
SB Silong, JD Kildea and AH White
pp. 1387-1391
CH9891393Lewis-Base Adducts of Main Group Metal(I) Compounds. XI. Di-μ-iodo-bis(N,N,N′,N″,N″-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-N,N′,N″-sodium)
CL Raston, CR Whitaker and AH White
pp. 1393-1396
CH9891397Constituents of Millingtonia hortensis: Isolation and Crystal Structure of trans-1-(2'-Hydroxyethyl)cyclohexane-1,4-diol
K Naowsaran, BW Skelton, U Tooptakong, P Tuntiwachwuttikul and AH White
pp. 1397-1401
CH9891403 The Crystal Structure of Bis(2-chlorophenyl) Disulfide
TCW Mak, WH Yip, WH Chan, G Smith and CHL Kennard
pp. 1403-1406
CH9891407A Novel Route to the Dibenzofuran Ring System: Possible Applications as a Rigid Thyroid Hormone Template
CJ Chandler, DJ Craik and KJ Waterman
pp. 1407-1413
CH9891415New Hopane Triterpenoids From Lichens in the Family Physiaceae
AL Wilkins, JA Elix, KL Gaul and R Moberg
pp. 1415-1422
CH98914232-O-Methylhiascic Acid, a New Tridepside in the Lichen Parmelinopsis neodamaziana
JA Elix, VK Jayanthi and JH Wardlaw
pp. 1423-1426
CH9891427Two New Bromotyrosine-Derived Metabolites From an Australian Marine Sponge, Aplysina sp
R Xynas and RJ Capon
pp. 1427-1433