Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 43 Number 1 1990
CH9900011Rate Enhancement of Nickel(II)-pada Complex-Formation in Mixed Sodium Perfluorooctanoate/Octanesulfonate Micellar Solutions
VC Reinsborough, TDM Stulz and XY Xiang
pp. 11-19
CH9900021Potential Ambergris Odorants From Abietic Acid
RC Cambie, RA Franich, D Larsen, PS Rutledge, GR Ryan and PD Woodgate
pp. 21-46
CH9900047The Synthesis and Chlorination of Some Pyrimidin-4-ols Having 5-Nitrogen Functionality
MR Harnden and DT Hurst
pp. 47-53
CH9900055The Chemistry of Pyrimidinethiols. III. The Synthesis of Some Substituted Pyrimidinthiols and Some Thiazolo[5,4-D]pyrimidines
MR Harnden and DT Hurst
pp. 55-62
CH9900063Reactions of Some 3-Methylcyclohexenones With Dimethylformamide Dimethyl Acetal
B Kasum and RH Prager
pp. 63-68
CH9900069Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Magnetism of a Macrocyclic Binuclear Dicopper(II) Amino Alcohol Complex From a Metal Directed Reaction Involving Formaldehyde and Nitroethane
P Comba, GA Lawrance, TM Manning, A Markiewicz, KS Murray, MA Oleary, BW Skelton and AH White
pp. 69-78
CH9900079The Stereoisomers of 5-Bromo-6,8-dimethoxy-1,2,3-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline. X-Ray Crystal-Structure of the trans Isomer
MA Rizzacasa, MV Sargent, BW Skelton and AH White
pp. 79-86
CH9900099Anomalies in the Reduction of the Schiff Bases 5-(Diethylamino)-2-(phenyliminomethyl)phenol and 2-[(4-Diethylaminophenyl)iminomethyl]-phenol and Their Crystal Structures
GP Moloney, RW Gable, MN Iskander, DJ Craik and MF Mackay
pp. 99-107
CH9900109Organic Curing Agents for Polysulfide Sealants. III. A Mechanistic Interpretation of the Thermal Degradation of Nitrile Oxide-Cured Polysulfide Sealants
BC Ennis, PJ Hanhela and DB Paul
pp. 109-124
CH9900125The Formation of Monomeric and Dimeric Nitro Nitrates in the Reaction of Phenanthrene With Nitrogen Dioxide: X-Ray Crystal Structure of trans-10-Nitro-9,10-dihydrophenanthren-9-yl Nitrate
MC Judd, MP Hartshorn, RJ Martyn, WT Robinson, GJ Wright and RW Vannoort
pp. 125-132
CH9900133The Formation of Ketones by a Reaction Equivalent to R-+R′COCH2+→R′COCH2R
AR Katritzky, L Wrobel, GP Savage and M Deyrupdrewniak
pp. 133-139
CH9900141The Chemistry of Laurenene. X. A New Carbon Skeleton by Rearrangement of Laurenan-2-β-ol
PJ Eaton, AR Hayman and RT Weavers
pp. 141-150
CH9900151Studies of Australian Soft Corals. XLVIII. New Briaran Diterpenoids From the Gorgonian Coral Junceela gemmacea
BF Bowden, JC Coll and GM Konig
pp. 151-159
CH9900161The Reaction of Thiols and α,ω-Dithiols With Triphenylphosphine and Diisopropyl Azodicarboxylate
D Camp and ID Jenkins
pp. 161-168
CH9900169 Prediction of the Rate Coefficient for the F+SOF3 Recombination Reaction
IG Pitt, RG Gilbert and KR Ryan
pp. 169-178
CH9900179A New Synthesis of Pyrazino[2,3-c]isoquinolines
MRM Bates, LW Deady and MF Mackay
pp. 179-184
CH9900185(-)-Bukittinggine, the Major Alkaloid of Sapium baccatum: Crystal Structure and Absolute Configuration of Bukittinggine Hydrobromide
D Arbain, LT Byrne, JR Cannon, VA Patrick and AH White
pp. 185-190
CH9900191The Identification and Synthesis of Two New β-Orcinol para-Depsides in the Lichen Pseudocyphellaria norvegica
JA Elix, DO Chester, JH Wardlaw and AL Wilkins
pp. 191-196
CH9900197New Chlorine-Containing Depsidones From Lichens
JA Elix, GA Jenkins and DA Venables
pp. 197-201
CH9900203The Fragment Ion C13H9O2 m/z 197 in the Mass Spectra of 2-(2′-R-phenyl)benzoic Acids
RG Gillis and QN Porter
pp. 203-207
CH9900209Synthesis and Structure of the First Cobalt Polychalcogenide Complex, [CO3(Se4)6]3-, Crystallized With Ph4P+
J Cusick, ML Scudder, DC Craig and IG Dance
pp. 209-211