Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 49 Number 11 1996
CH9961197Pyrolysis of Aryl Azides. XIII. Conformational Effects on the Ability of Carbonyl as a Neighbouring Group
LK Dyall, JA Ferguson and TB Jarman
pp. 1197-1202
CH9961203Experiments Directed Towards the Synthesis of Anthracyclinones. XXX. Formation and Use of an Anthraquinone Formyl Ester
RC Cambie, JBJ Milbank and PS Rutledge
pp. 1203-1215
CH9961217New Chromenols From a Southern Australian Tunicate, Aplidium solidum
SJ Rochfort, R Metzger, L Hobbs and RJ Capon
pp. 1217-1219
CH9961229Reactivities of Piperazine-2,5-diones in Radical Bromination Reactions
CLL Chai, DCR Hockless and AR King
pp. 1229-1233
CH9961235The Structure of a Human Metabolite of Pholcodine
J Gore, B Kasum, MA Holman, IM Scharfbillig and AD Ward
pp. 1235-1242
CH9961243The Synthesis of a Fluorescent Cholesteryl Oleate Analogue
WM Best, BC Mortimer, TG Redgrave and RV Stick
pp. 1243-1245
CH9961247Butlerins D, E and F-Three New Hexasubstituted Lichen p-Terphenyls
JA Elix, JA Elix, MA Ernstrussell and MA Ernstrussell
pp. 1247-1250
CH99612511,1-Diphenylbutane-1,3-diol: the First Structurally Characterized Example of an Intramolecularly Hydrogen-Bonded Open-Chain 1,3-diol
CF Carvalho, DP Arnold, RC Bott and G Smith
pp. 1251-1252
CH9961253Crystal and Molecular Structure of mer-cis-(PEt2Ph)2(PPri3)H-trans-Cl2IrIII
EJ Ditzel, KD Griffiths and GB Robertson
pp. 1253-1255
CH9961257The Yeast-Mediated Reduction of Nitrostyrenes in Organic Solvent Systems
RR Bak, AF Mcanda, AJ Smallridge and MA Trewhella
pp. 1257-1260
CH9961261Synthetic Routes to 3,9-Dimethylidene-1,5,7,11-tetrathiaspiro[5.5]undecane
MK Bromley, SJ Gason, AG Jhingran, MG Looney and DH Solomon
pp. 1261-1262