Fluorescence Study of the Influence of the Structure and Hydrophobicity of Fluorescent Dyes and Cationic Surfactants on their Association in Aqueous Solutions
Viktoriia Klovak
A Department of Analytical Chemistry, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymirska St. 64, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine.
B Corresponding author. Email: vikaklovak@ukr.net
Australian Journal of Chemistry 74(4) 252-260 https://doi.org/10.1071/CH20221
Submitted: 14 July 2020 Accepted: 7 October 2020 Published: 12 November 2020
The statistical characteristics of the dependences of the fluorescence signal of analytical systems as a function of the integral parameters of the structure of fluorescent reagents and cationic surfactants on their association in aqueous solutions has been investigated. Molecular weight, surface area, and their first-order molecular connectivity index have been taken as parameters of the structure of the reagents and cationic surfactants. The influence of the hydrophobicity of the reagent and cationic surfactants, such as the octanol–water distribution constant and octanol–water partition coefficient, on the fluorescence signal of the reagent–cationic surfactant associates have also been investigated. It is shown that the associates of anionic reagents with cationic surfactant counter ions are characterised by high stability and a higher analytical signal compared with associates in which there is no electrostatic attraction between the reagent and the surfactant ion. The effect of hydrophobicity of the reagent and cationic surfactant in the absence of electrostatic attraction between the interacting particles is similar. The increase in the role of the influence of the structure of cationic reagents in their association with cationic surfactants, when the electrostatic attraction is absent and the stability of the associates is due mainly to hydrophobic interactions, is noticeable. The regularities of the influence of the colloid-chemical state on the analytical signal of associated cationic surfactants in solutions have been investigated. The study made it possible to formulate a rational basis for the search and design of analytical systems for the determination of large cations by the fluorescence method.
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