Australian Journal of Chemistry 59 (2) pp.79
- 80
Liquid Beam Mass Spectrometry
The growing versatility of liquid beam injection as a tool for studying a wide variety of physical and chemical phenomena, ranging from characterizing local molecular structures and energy transfer at liquid–vacuum interfaces to bio-analytical mass spectrometry is illustrated in the studies showcased in this Research Front.
Published 07 March 2006
Time-Resolved Micro Liquid Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Mechanism, Features, and Kinetic Applications
Ales Charvat , Andreas Bógehold , Bernd Abel
Australian Journal of Chemistry 59 (2) pp.81
- 103
Published 07 March 2006
Rotational Energy Distributions of Benzene Liberated from Aqueous Liquid Microjets: A Comparison between Evaporation and Infrared Desorption
Olivia J. Maselli , Jason R. Gascooke , Sarah L. Kobelt , Gregory F. Metha , Mark A. Buntine
Australian Journal of Chemistry 59 (2) pp.104
- 108
Published 07 March 2006
A New Way To Detect Noncovalently Bonded Complexes of Biomolecules from Liquid Micro-Droplets by Laser Mass Spectrometry
Nina Morgner , Hans-Dieter Barth , Bernhard Brutschy
Australian Journal of Chemistry 59 (2) pp.109
- 114