Natural Products Isolated from Endemic Tasmanian Vascular Plants*
Bianca J. Deans A , Miguel de Salas B C , Jason A. Smith A D and Alex C. Bissember
A School of Natural Sciences – Chemistry, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Australia.
B School of Natural Sciences – Biology, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Australia.
C Tasmanian Herbarium, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, Tas. 7000, Australia.
D Corresponding authors. Email:;
![]() Bianca Deans obtained her B.Sc. (Hons, First Class) in chemistry from the University of Tasmania in 2014. Her honours research with Associate Professor Jason Smith and Associate Professor Robert Shellie concerned the bioprospecting of Australian native plants employing pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE), as well as the isolation of major components of Australian Xanthorrhoea resin. In 2015, Bianca commenced Ph.D. research with Professor Smith and Dr Alex Bissember. Her research project is focused on natural products isolation studies of various endemic Tasmanian plants using PHWE and aims to enhance the chemotaxonomic understanding of these under-explored species. |
![]() Miguel de Salas is a plant taxonomist and Senior Curator at the Tasmanian Herbarium in Hobart. His research interests encompass most of Tasmania’s native vascular flora, but especially carnivorous plants, daisies, and violets. In a previous life, he was a molecular phylogenist working on harmful marine phytoplankton. |
![]() Jason (Alfred) Smith is a graduate of the Flinders University of South Australia where he obtained both his B.Sc. (Hons) and Ph.D. degrees, the latter under the supervision of Professor Rolf Prager. He has carried out post-doctoral research at The Texas A&M University (with Professor Sir Derek H. R. Barton) and at The Australian National University (with Professor Martin G. Banwell). In 2001, he joined the School of Chemistry at The University of Tasmania where his research activities focus on the development of new synthetic methodologies and their application to the synthesis of biologically active and/or structurally complex molecules, including the exploitation of pyrrole as a molecular template for the assembly of alkaloids and the application of pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) for bioprospecting of natural products. In 2005, he received The Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Athel Beckwith Lectureship. |
![]() Alex Bissember received his Ph.D. in chemistry in 2010 from the Australian National University under the supervision of Professor Martin G. Banwell. He subsequently undertook post-doctoral research with Professor Gregory C. Fu at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology (2010–2013). In 2013, he commenced his independent career at the University of Tasmania where he is currently Senior Lecturer in chemistry. His research interests span areas of organic, organometallic, inorganic, and natural products chemistry, and chemical education. |
Australian Journal of Chemistry 71(10) 756-767
Submitted: 8 June 2018 Accepted: 11 July 2018 Published: 8 August 2018
Tasmania is the south-eastern island state of Australia. It is geographically isolated and is recognised for both its rich diversity of plant species and high degree of endemism. Although 530 endemic Tasmanian vascular plant species are known, natural products have only been isolated from 27 of these species (~5.1 %), representing 3 classes (Dicotyledonae, Monocotyledonae, and Gymnospermae), 12 families, and 14 genera. Terpenoids, flavonoids, and alkaloids are the major classes of compound that have been isolated from these species. This report provides the first review of the natural products isolated from endemic Tasmanian plant species and covers ~70 years of research in this area.
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